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Displaying Results 161 - 180 of 281

- English
This volume brings together presentations and background papers from some of the speakers and participants of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Third Executive Forum that took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Forum, held under the auspices of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), offered its participants various
- English
The UNECE standard for Llama/Alpaca Meat - Carcases and Cuts offers for the first time internationally agreed specifications written in a consistent, detailed and accurate manner using anatomical names to identify cutting lines. Comprehensive colour photographs and diagrams are included to facilitate practical application of the standard.
- English
The UNECE standard for Chicken Meat - Carcases and Parts offers for the first time internationally agreed specifications written in a consistent, detailed and accurate manner using anatomical names to identify cutting lines. Comprehensive colour photographs and diagrams are included to facilitate practical application of the standard.The
- English
New York and Geneva The UNECE standard for Ovine Meat - Carcases and Cuts offers for the first time internationally agreed specifications written in a consistent, detailed and accurate manner using anatomical names to identify cutting lines. Comprehensive colour photographs and diagrams are included to facilitate practical application of the
- English
This publication intends to review the results of trade integration in the region of the EECCA. In particular, it provides a historical background about the unfolding of the free trade agreements and a summary of existing trade preferences. The analysis then turns to an evaluation of remaining barriers to trade. The rest of the paper examines the “building blocks” of a well-functioning
- English
This publication is part of a project financed under the Fourth Tranche of the United Nations Development Account. The project, entitled "Interregional partnership for promoting trade as an engine of growth through knowledge management and information and communication technologies", is carried out jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations.The Fourth Tranche of the UN
- English
Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/342     Sales # E.06.II.E.10     ISBN 978-92-1-116944-7 – US$ 25      more details: [email protected]
- English
Recommends the establishment of a "Single Window", whereby trade-related information need only be submitted once to fulfil all import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements. The publication also contains a detailed set of Guidelines designed to assist countries in implementation.Download: English
- English
Contains the standard data elements that can be used with any method for data interchange on paper documents as well as with other means of data communication. They can be selected for transmission one by one, or used within a particular system of interchange rules, e.g. the UN/EDIFACT.Readmore
- English
The Trade Facilitation Toolkit and Forms Repository assist Governments and trade associations to simplify their documentary requirements and develop consistent national series of trade documents. The Toolkit and Repository support the requirements for simplification of documents and transparency in the implementation of trade regulations as set out in GATT
- English
New york and Geneva The UNECE standard for Bovine Meat - Carcases and Cuts offers for the first time internationally agreed specifications written in a consistent, detailed and accurate manner using anatomical names to identify cutting lines. Comprehensive colour photographs and diagrams are included to facilitate practical application of
- English
This publication, based on two previous UNECE publications (ECE/Trade/330 and ECE/Trade/299), offers to the Russian-speaking audience, a review of main current trade facilitation issues, such as promoting trade facilitation in the new security environment and encouraging the fair distribution of the gains from trade facilitation activities.Readmore
- English
Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/330     Sales # E.04.II.E.3     ISBN 92-1-116889-9 – US$ 45 – E     more details: [email protected] 
- English
©2003 United NationsECE/TRADE/330: Sharing the Gains of Globalization in the New Security Environment - The Challenges to Trade Facilitation [Summary of the Debate at the 2003 Forum]
- English
ECE/TRADE/299: Trade Facilitation: The Challenges for Growth and Development [pdf format -- 344 pages]
- English
Addresses the income distribution impact of trade facilitation in developing countries. The matter is considered from a general perspective, drawing on economic analysis and practical experience to construct a broad framework to explain the links between trade facilitation, income distribution and poverty Readmore
- English
Consists of papers prepared for the International Forum on Trade Facilitation in May 2002. It includes contributions from organizations and businesses around the world, with an interest in trade facilitation, regarding their views and practical concerns on trade facilitation in the new global environment. Readmore
- English
Based on the presentations and contributions to the Workshop on Trade, Business and Investment in a Wider Europe on 7 April 2003 and also documents and papers relating to the topic. The publication presents to policy makers the opportunities for further economic integration within the region after the EU enlargement of 2004. It also confronts non-acceding countries with some issues that
- English
Outlines the key activities that will be undertaken in the UNECE’s traditional areas of standards development and maintenance, and new and strengthened activities in areas such as implementing trade facilitation instruments and assisting in trade policy development to address the needs of an expanded European economic space, sustainable development and ICT for development
- English
Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/286     Sales # E.02.II.E.3     ISBN 92-1-116800-7 – US$ 25     more details: [email protected]