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Environment Policy Publications

Displaying Results 601 - 620 of 921

- English
Document Title ENG FRE RUSECE/MP.EIA/6, Annex V Guidance on subregional cooperation ENG
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 2   ENG
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 1 Russian translation by CAREC ENGRUS
- Pусский
Document Title RUS Реализация положений Конвенции Эспоо : Региональная каспийская инициатива (3 MB) PDF
- English
Document Title ENGImplementing the Espoo Convention: A regional initiative in the Caspian ENG
- English
This is the first EPR of Georgia. Special attention was given during the reviews to the quality, use and supply of water resources, including drinking water, air and waste management, economic instruments, international cooperation, integration of environmental consideration into economic
- Pусский
Доступно в качестве архивной копии. ISBN 92-1-002114-2 Sales No. GV.E/R.04.0.3 Процесс «Окружающая среда для Европы», осуществляется в целях укрепления международного сотрудничества
- English
Available as an archived copy. ISBN 92-1-002114-2 Sales No. GV.E/R.04.0.3 The “Environment for Europe” process, which is supported and contributed to by the United Nations Economic
- Français
Directives pour l’estimation et la communication des données d’émission dans le cadre de la  Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontièreà longue distanceNew York et Genève, 2003Readmore
- English
Guidelines for Estimating and reporting Emission Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Note, that these emission reporting guidelines were revised in 2009 and the updated guidelines (document ECE/EB.AIR/97) can be found at the website of CEIP (
- English
The publication is about the first EPR of Azerbaijan. The report covers twelve issues of importance to Azerbaijan, divided into three sections, including the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among
- English
2002 Review prepared under The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution  
- Pусский
Обзор 2002 года, подготовленный в соответствии с Конвенцией о трансграничном загрязнении воздуха на большие расстоянияНью-Йорк и Женева, 2004 Readmore
- Français
Examen 2002 effectué en vertu de la Conventionsur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontière а longue distance New York  et Genève, 2004 Readmore
- Pусский
Document Title RUS Руководство по проведению оценки воздействия на окружающую среду в трансграничном контексте в регионе Каспийского моря
- English
Document Title ENGGuidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the Caspian Sea Region