Global relevance of environmental democracy: UN ECLAC on Aarhus Convention & "Principle 10"
AarhusMaastricht Convention News Bulletin
Dr. Florian Wild, Head of Division, Member of the Executive board, Switzerland
Barbara Ruis, international lawyer, UNEP
Professor Noriko Okubo wants to implement Principle 10 in Japan
Philip Kearney on public participation under the Aarhus Convention
Sébastien Duyck on using Aarhus Convention in different UN negotiations
Carole Excell on how the Aarhus Convention is inspiring Latin America
David Banisar from Article 19 on the harassment of activists and journalists
Martin Skalsky from Arnika on strenghtening the Aarhus Convention
Andriy Andrusevych on Ukraine's non-compliance to the Aarhus Convention
Siebe Riedstra on Maastricht MoP to the Aarhus Convention
Alexandros ALEXANDRIS, Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Mr Ballan, Chair de la session thématique sur la participation public dans les forums internationaux
Jit PETERS & Michel AMAND Chairs-Aarhus Convention & Protocol on PRTRs
Jan DARPO; Chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice
Robert KONRAD; Head of Unit, DG Environment, European Commission
Hirofumi Aizawa, Administrator at OECD Environment & Safety Programme
Mr. Noriyuki Suzuki, Chair of OECD Task Force on PRTRs
Валентина Цапиш рассказывает о реализации Орхусской конвенции в Республике Молдова
Аида Искоян рассказывает о том, как Конвенция вступила в силу в Армении
(ESPAÑOL) Ms.Vera BARRANTES, Especialista, Programa de Gestión de Productos Químicos y Desechos
Sabrina Andrade, Gerente de Resíduos Perigosos do Ministério do Meio Ambiente de Brasil
Helmut Gaugitsch, DI Dr., Head of Unit, Land Use & Biosafety, Environment Agency Austria
Mrs. Angelika HILBECK European Network Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility ENSSER
Jonas Ebbesson, Chair of the Compliance Committee, speaking about the relevance of the Committee
Michel Amand speaks of the importance of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
Michel Amand explique les changements apportés par la Convention d'Aarhus
Gita Parihar, environmental lawyer, speaks about the Aarhus Convention
Philip Kearney speaks of the Aarhus Convention representing environmental democracy
Aarhus Compliance Committee Hearing,12 December 2012; Introductory Remarks (pt.2)