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Statistics Press Releases

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Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of any country, serving the government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. National statistical systems also play a vital role in measuring countries
Without a census, we cannot know such fundamental things as how many people live in a country, their ages or their income per capita. We cannot meaningfully predict future population and the need for schools, homes or public services. Censuses are essential for many of the indicators that enable
Strong legal backing is a key element for countries to ensure the production of impartial and reliable statistics according to the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. This will be especially relevant when developing statistics in the context of the 2030 Agenda for
UNECE releases its first statistics mobile app, putting in your hands the key indicators you need about the UNECE region in a graphical format. With UNECE Quick Stats you have your main figures on economy, population, forestry or transport at your fingertips wherever and whenever you need them.
In recent years, the demand for statistical information on gender equality by the media, policymakers and the scientific world has grown considerably together with the rapid and substantial changes that have characterized the lifestyles of men and women in society. The need for better statistics
UNECE releases the first ever Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics, which aim at improving existing official statistics to support climate change analysis and the reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.The Recommendations define the scope of what we mean by climate change-related
La Conférence des statisticiens européens, tenue sous les auspices de la CEE-ONU à Genève, a approuvé le 12 juin un ensemble de recommandations concernant un cadre conceptuel pour mesurer le développement durable ainsi qu’un ensemble d'indicateurs associés. Ce cadre conceptuel représente une
The International Monitoring Operation (IMO) is of the opinion that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is ready to conduct the Population and Housing Census in October 2013, taking into account the technical preparedness so far and the willingness of the country’s authorities and Statistical
On 7 March, UNECE presented the major findings and recommendations of its Global Assessment of Tajikistan’s National System of Official Statistics.In partnership with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Eurostat, UNECE conducted two advisory missions to Tajikistan and drafted the
La CEE-ONU marque la Journée mondiale de la population 2012 sous la devise de l'accès universel aux services de santé de la reproduction.Partout dans le monde, les problèmes de santé reproductive demeurent la principale cause de maladie et de mortalité pour les femmes en âge de procréer. Près de
UNECE has launched a new database of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) indicators. The database contains official estimates of over a hundred indicators used to monitor MDGs nationally and internationally.It is designed to benefit users and producers of MDG indicators on both national and
UNECE’s Statistical Division has been working with Google to bring key statistics on our member countries to a wider audience using new data visualization techniques.As a result of extensive collaboration over the last year to develop data content, format and transmission mechanisms, UNECE
Geneva The UNECE has released a new and improved version of its online database. It provides high-quality data on Europe, Central Asia and North America. The “Country Overviews” section offers around 50 key economic, social and transport indicators for each UNECE member country. Users can
Geneva The Statistical Division completed the 2010 updates of its on-line database on gender statistics. The biannual updating of the database is carried out in collaboration with national experts on gender statistics who are requested to answer a questionnaire. On many indicators, data are