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How can advanced fossil fuel technologies help Kazakhstan reduce the carbon footprint of its energy sector while moving towards a clean energy strategy and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? This will be the focus of a workshop organized by UNECE and UNDP on 9-10 March 2016 in Astana,…
Entrepreneurship is a source of innovation and productivity in the global economy. In the 20th century, economic development has relied on big businesses and mass production. Now, smaller firms and creative networks of experts provide knowledge-driven goods and services. In addition, the…
How to measure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What implications will technological advancements have on the production of statistics? These are two of the topics that will be discussed by the statistical community next week in New York (8-11 March) at the 47th session of the United…
Effective public participation is the key precondition for transparent and accountable governance. It helps Governments to tackle inequality by ensuring that all persons, including those from the poorest segments of society and rural communities, are able to participate in decisions that impact…
Empowering people to participate in decisions that can affect their environment and health is of key importance to UNECE. To this end, the present publication consists of two separate, but closely linked sets of recommendations: (i) Maastricht Recommendations on Promoting Effective Public…
Air pollution has a wide variety of impacts, affecting human health, ecosystems and climate, both near the source and far away. Over the past 10 years the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution has worked with an…
While mopeds and e-bikes are a common choice for transportation particularly in developing countries, helmets continue to be a difficult safety issue.  Between 2008 and 2020, 3.4 million fatalities may be caused by motorcycle accidents, 3 per cent of which will be children.  Wearing a helmet…
The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) will hold its 78th session from 23 to 26 February 2015.  The session will begin with a high level policy segment entitled, “Innovations for Sustainable Inland Transport with Special Attention to Information and Communication Technologies” that foster…
The world is increasingly global. Think about music, movies, fashion, technology…the list goes on. The products we buy are often manufactured in distant places, and while we may not realize it, they often consist of parts developed, produced and assembled in different parts of the world.…
What can we do to transform lives?  This was the topic common to all the talks at the TEDxPlaceDesNations event that took place in Geneva on February 11. Amongst others, UNECE’s Director of Sustainable Energy, Scott Foster, participated to the event and gave an insightful talk about the energy…
Last December, for the first time ever, containers with grapes left the port of Lüderitz, Namibia, bound for Europe - and they all complied with the quality requirements set out in UNECE’s agricultural standards. Checked by the recently established Agro-Marketing and Trade Agency (AMTA) under the…
Between 2003 and 2013, the total number of fatalities in road traffic accidents decreased by more than 30 per cent in the UNECE region, reaching 108,857 in 2013. This trend was particularly pronounced between 2007 and 2010 with average annual decreases of more than 8 per cent. Beyond this…
Greening the economy, an approach to foster a healthy economy while ensuring environmental sustainability and social equity, is considered as one of the most promising ways to achieve sustainable development. Air pollution, which causes 7 million deaths per year worldwide and 600,000 premature…
How to improve inland transport connectivity between Europe and Asia? What are the specific needs of producers, shippers, traders and freight forwarders along Euro-Asian routes? These were the main themes discussed by transport officials, representatives of the private sector and academia, and…
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015 will be the key reference point for all development actions over the coming years.The activities carried out by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN…
Georgia and Turkey have taken a significant step this week in strengthening the digital link between them by agreeing to electronically exchange customs data so that transport across the Georgian-Turkish borders will be faster and cheaper.   The Minister of Finance of Georgia, Nodar Khaduri, and…
Of the 37 UNECE member countries that reported average monthly wages and annual consumer price indices for 2013 and 2014, 32 saw an increase in real wages in 2014. Real wages only decreased in the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine in this period. With the exception of Ukraine,…
Iraq confirmed its intention to accede to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) this year. After announcing its interest in joining the Convention in 2012, in 2013 Iraq established a national committee to study the…
Eight case studies undertaken in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Malawi, Niger and the United States demonstrate that the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC) can be applied to nuclear fuel resources. The case studies present…
Up-to-date, accurate and easy-to-find environmental information empowers public officials, entrepreneurs, workers, consumers and each of us to take informed decisions that impact our environment and well-being. Information is also key for fostering transparent governance, innovation and greening…
Working in several areas relevant to climate change mitigation and adaptation, UNECE took part in COP21 to showcase the practical solutions it provides for issues related to air pollution, water, transport, sustainable energy and cities.UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach and various…
Kazakhstan is heavily dependent on water in rivers shared with other countries, in most cases as the downstream neighbour in basins shared with China, the Russian Federation and other Central Asian States. Given that climate change is expected to lead to decreased access to water for Kazakhstan,…
Cuba is considering the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources (UNFC) as a national resource management tool. UNFC enables consideration of economic benefits as well as environmental and social advantages when applied as a resource reporting…
Montenegro, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia plead for strengthening the regional cooperation between neighboring countries on roundwood trade. Knowledge and experience exchange together with realistic figures of roundwood removals are crucial to address the problem…
Intentions to have children, to marry or divorce as well as the relationships with parents and grandparents or the distribution of housework between partners are a few examples of individual choices that impact demographic and societal outcomes which are of great interest for researchers and…