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Displaying Results 826 - 850 of 1280

Each year, around 1.24 million people die in road accidents. A disproportionate amount of the deaths on the roads (90%) occurs in low- and middle-income countries, despite these countries accounting for just 54% of the world’s road vehicles. Most of these deaths are due to the lack of basic…
The fashion industry is responsible for producing twenty per cent of global wastewater and ten per cent of global carbon emissions – more than the emissions of all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Cotton farming is responsible for 24 per cent of insecticides and 11 per cent…
Trade can be a powerful engine of growth, creating new opportunities for investment, job creation and development. However, for some countries, efforts to capitalize on this potential are undermined by the lack of adequate regulatory frameworks, which can inflate transaction costs, limit export…
Kazakhstan has consolidated its national non-tariff measures (NTM) system according to the Multi-agency Support Team (MAST) classification system administered by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The database was validated yesterday during a national stakeholder…
How to communicate more effectively with policy makers and the public is an increasingly hot topic within the statistical community. Statistical organizations are facing growing competition from alternative data providers and the traditional ways of messaging are being challenged by the rise of…
How can the creation of more interconnected transport systems support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals? How can we enable the seamless combination of different modes of transport for passengers and freight - be it bus to train or truck to boat – fostering transport that is safer…
No country in the Caucasus or Central Asia prior to 2016 had developed indicators to monitor progress towards sustainable forest management at the national level. Two years later, thanks to a United Nations Development Account (UNDA) project implemented jointly by UNECE and FAO, five countries –…
Senegal shares most of its water resources with other countries. The major part of its surface water reserves are located in the Senegal and Gambia River basins whose waters come from the Fouta Djallon Highlands in the Republic of Guinea. Cooperating on these shared waters is therefore essential…
The environmental rationale for protecting forests is well known. The benefits provided by forests, such as water and air purification, soil formation, carbon storage and biodiversity conservation are widely acknowledged. It is, however, less known that forest products also play an important role…
Transport Ministers from around the world will gather in Geneva next week to discuss strategies to create more interconnected, efficient and sustainable transport systems at the 80th annual meeting of UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee (ITC). The ITC is a unique high-level policy-making body,…
More than 40% of the world population relies on transboundary water resources. Cooperation on these resources is necessary to manage shared waters in an integrated and sustainable way. Such cooperation has the potential to generate many significant benefits for countries involved, such as…
The UNECE region is experiencing population ageing earlier than other regions. This brings significant challenges, but also many opportunities if the potential that living longer holds for individuals, economies and societies at large is properly harnessed.Last year, UNECE member States…
The environment in which official statistics operate has changed significantly over the last two decades and continues to evolve. Developments in digital technology have led to a rise in the number of alternative data providers, and new communication platforms such as social media have also…
Ensuring the effective management of water resources so that different needs – including for agriculture, industry, drinking water supplies, hydropower and the protection of ecosystems – can be met is complex at the national level. When water resources are shared with other countries, this can be…
Energy efficiency implementation at a global level is an essential dimension of climate action, and is considered fundamental to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. An overwhelming majority of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the agreement submitted by countries…
A High-Level Panel on the 3rd review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) will conclude the global review of MIPAA at the 56th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD56) and highlight how the Madrid Plan of Action can contribute to the…
The current global migration and refugee situation has put migration issues high on the political agenda of many countries and the international community as a whole. Recognizing the need to act together, United Nations Member States adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants in…
Cumbersome, costly and time-consuming customs procedures can be a major barrier to international trade, holding back countries’ development potential.In Iraq, this remains a significant challenge. The country requires among the highest number of documents worldwide for imports and exports, and in…
Discussions on the future of transportation are often dominated by headline-grabbing ideas: autonomous or electric vehicles, intelligent transport systems focusing on mobility services; ever-faster high-speed trains. Within this debate bus transport is often an unfashionable afterthought, a relic…
Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by about two per cent throughout the UNECE region in the first three quarters of 2017.In the United States (US), GDP increased by 2.2 per cent compared to the same period in the previous year. In 2016, GDP grew by 1.5 per cent from 2015.In the European Union, in…
Water scarcity and droughts are occurring more and more frequently and with increased magnitude, even in previously water-rich countries. Major causes include population growth and increasing water extraction, with climate change further exacerbating the situation. OECD and the Global Water…
Transport can be a powerful driver of sustainable development, but this requires balancing its economic and social value with environmental and health considerations. In order to help meet this challenge, UNECE’s Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs) assist countries in taking an integrated…
Source: UNECE Statistical database the last year, most UNECE member States have experienced higher consumer price inflation, as measured by the 12-month rate of change of the consumer price index (CPI).In September 2017, the consumer price inflation in many European…
In a context of complex international supply chains, ensuring food safety is increasingly becoming a priority for governments and consumers alike. The need to guarantee the quality of food imports and exports – which is also essential for international trade – is an important feature of this,…
Responding to the findings of the 2016 Scientific Assessment Report ‘Towards Cleaner Air’, Parties to the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) this week discussed strategic priorities for the future of the Convention.Informed by the scientific findings of…