Workshop Announcement

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12 February 2008


Wood is currently the major source for renewable energy in Europe. With increasing global prices for fossil fuels, concerns over security of energy supply and new commitments to reduce CO 2 emissions, wood energy continues to increase in importance. Facing these challenges, and also the wood-processing industries’ increasing need for woody raw material, has led to an acute need for up-to-date, reliable statistical information on wood sources and uses, which is either not available, or weak in many countries.

The recently conducted Joint UNECE/FAO/IEA/EC Wood Energy Enquiry has started a process to collect improved information on sources and uses for wood energy on a comparable Europe-wide basis. This has permitted the creation of national and European-level wood balances ( study on “ wood resources availability and demands ” ). However, the analytical work following on from the study on wood availability and demands has also identified significant and persistent data gaps and inconsistencies which still need to be resolved.

Empirical research, such as household and industry surveys, is the main tool to gather basic data on wood sources, needed to close these gaps and improve data and statistics. Knowing the current sources (from forests and other sources) and uses of wood is the main basis for assessing the future potential for wood, which is crucial for planning and decision-making related not only to the forest-based sector as a whole but also for the renewable energy sector.

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This workshop will:

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For more details click on programme of the workshop (or download pdf-file).

The workshop will be immediately followed by the 30 th session of the Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics (2-3 April), where a summary of the workshop and its results will be presented. In connection to the workshop, the Working Party will hold an in-session seminar on potential wood supply.

The workshop will be held in English.

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Target audience

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Download the announcement for the workshop here [ 54 kb]

Download the programme of the workshop here [ 16 kb]

For further information, please contact: [email protected]

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This website presents the activities of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission who work together to promote sustainable forest management in Europe, the CIS and North America