UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Releases 2010


This is a list of UNECE Press Releases and Notes for the Press issued during 2010

  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • Other Languages
22 December Parties adopt new air pollution and climate change related areas of work for the Air Convention
21 December The 30th meeting of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 14 to 17 December 2010.
17 December Central Asian States finalize the Third Aral Sea Basin Program
13 December UNECE promotes green and health-friendly investment and jobs in transport
6 December UNECE organizes seminar on water management in Turkmenistan (available in Russian)
3 December Regional Aid-for-Trade Implementation and Monitoring Council launched for Central Asia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan
30 November Regional Ministerial Conference on Ageing will review 10 years of implementation of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
30 November UNECE and the Eurasian Development Bank conclude a Memorandum of Understanding
26 November UNECE contributes to improved legal aid on the right to housing in Georgia
26 November UNECE launches Joint Wood Energy Enquiry
25 November Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine commit to further cooperation on air pollution abatement
25 November UNECE improves its online database
24 November UNECE's Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration will review innovation performance in Belarus
23 November European countries set targets for giving everyone access to safe and affordable water and sanitation
22 November Continuation of TIR system secured
19 November UNECE Annual Energy Week, 22 - 26 November 2010
19 November UNECE recommends intensifying the implementation of sustainable housing policies and programmes in Azerbaijan
19 November UNECE calls for enhanced disaster preparedness in the housing sector
18 November Road safety runs high on the agenda of the countries of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organization
18 November Preparing an action plan on the forest sector for a green economy
18 November UNECE calls for enhanced Road and Rail Transport Infrastructure
15 November Save water, grow green! Committee on Environmental Policy agrees on the agenda for the Astana 2011 “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference
12 November Conference on "Financing development of road and rail transport infrastructures"
11 November UNECE issues Recommendation on establishing legal framework for Single Window for international trade
5 November Completion of the first Espoo Convention procedure in Belarus
2 November UNECE organizes international conference to promote innovation-driven start-ups and academic Spin-offs
18 October UNECE Timber Committee forecasts rebound in wood and paper products markets in 2010 and 2011
18 October Kazakhstan: strengthening transboundary water cooperation with the help of the UNECE Water Convention (available in Russian)
14 October Conference of the United Nations Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia discusses regional approach to the stabilization of Afghanistan
14 October Azerbaijan Launches National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management
12 October UNECE releases guidance to reduce explosions in coal mines (available in French)
12 October UNECE organises workshop on transboundary water management in Central Asia
12 October UNECE completes update of its Gender Statistics Database
30 September Outcome of the 29th meeting of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee
28 September UNECE/WHO (Europe) workshop promotes cycling and walking in cities
27 September Towards a UNECE-wide policy framework on affordable, healthy and ecological housing
23 September UNECE launches the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resource Management in Georgia
20 September International Energy Efficiency Forum, 28-30 September 2010, Astana, Kazakhstan
15 September Millennium Development Goals in Emerging Europe and Central Asia: A new report takes stock of progress and shows the way ahead
8 September UNECE/FIBA road safety campaign gains momentum as 2010 FIBA World Championship enters final rounds
7 September UNECE works on standard for sound device to equip silent vehicles
26 August UNECE and FIBA launch global road safety campaign during the 2010 FIBA World Championship in Turkey
16 August Central Asian experts undertake training in Moscow under UNECE project on dam safety
5 August Economic crisis drives UNECE region wood harvest to an all-time low (available in French and Russian)
4 August The Protocol on Water and Health is a key tool to deliver access to clean water and sanitation to all
19 July Raising awareness on the protection of intellectual property rights is key for development
16 July Executive Secretary discusses strengthening cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin (available in Russian)
14 July The UNECE project on the development of sustainable biomass trade and export opportunities in the Russian Federation to expand to algae biomass(available in Russian)
6 July New international treaty to better integrate environmental and health concerns into political decision-making (available in French and Russian)
1 July UNECE moves to enhance public participation in environmental decision making
30 June Better management of intellectual property is key to competitiveness
28 June UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution aims to reduce Black Carbon emissions
25 June Poland confirms its commitment to the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009
22 June The Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee receives 50th communication
21 June UNECE helps foster a sustainable real estate market in Ukraine
17 June Innovative Wood Products are the Future
17 June To boost wood-energy production and use in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Turkey, national and local political commitment is vital
17 June THE PEP relay race continues its journey
11 June UNECE Discusses the Benefits of E-Government Reforms to Land Administration in Belarus
11 June Launch of Group of Experts on Global Energy Efficiency 21
9 June UNECE project on Energy Efficiency moves closer to establishing Investment Fund (available in Russian)
7 June Helsinki Conference underlines the importance of innovation-based competitiveness for sustainable growth
7 June Europe’s forests are expanding, but has the public noticed?
3 June Albania renews commitment to join the Air Convention’s Protocols on POPs, Heavy Metals and Gothenburg
26 May UNECE signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Union of Railways (UIC), (available in French)
19 May New publication explains how Europe can harvest more wood to reach its sustainable energy goals by 2020
7 May Central Asian countries agree to work together to develop dynamic Public-Private Partnership programmes
30 April European forests play key economic and environmental role (available in Portugese)
27 April 13 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus adopt joint initiative for safe, secure, prosperous and environmentally friendly transport
26 April AETR Contracting Parties approve a six month tolerance period for the implementation of the digital tachograph at pan-European level
26 April Turkey lends a hand to neighbouring countries in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
23 April New treaty body on pollution registers established
21 April Senior European forestry sector officials highlight the pivotal role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation, water management and energy in the region
21 April Update on the fact finding mission of the Executive Secretary in Kyrgyzstan
20 April Embracing corporate social responsibility has market advantages in the forest sector
20 April UNECE’s Industrial Accidents Convention celebrates its 10th Anniversary (available in Russian)
14 April The Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan launch joint project to combat Air Pollution (available in Russian)
12 April UNECE wins regional award for Impact Assessment
8 April The Secretary-General sends UNECE Executive Secretary Ján Kubiš as special envoy to Kyrgyzstan
30 March New Deputy Executive Secretary for UNECE (available in Russian)
30 March UNECE advanced agenda for energy efficiency in the housing sector during World Urban Forum 5
30 March UNECE strategy on Education for Sustainable Development celebrates 5 years of implementation
30 March Advancing preparations for the 7th Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”, Astana, 21–23 September 2011
30 March Azerbaijan hosts UNECE workshop on transparent and efficient land management (available in Russian)
24 March New trade measures present challenges for timber markets in the UNECE region
23 March Ageing in Moldova: The Road Ahead UNECE advises Republic of Moldova on policy-development in response to ageing
23 March Outcome of the 27th meeting of the AARHUS Convention’s COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE
19 March UNECE will host seminar on "Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector"
16 March Regional Consultation on MDGs
12 March Workshop on Emerging Trade Measures in Timber Markets (available in French)
11 March UNECE launches data collection on pan-European forests
10 March UNECE announces the introduction in 41 countries of type approval for electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements
10 March Azerbaijan hosts UNECE workshop on transparent and efficient land management
5 March UNECE to take part in the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, 10-12 March, Parma
5 March UN General Assembly recognises key role of Regional Commissions in the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020)
26 February Transport Challenges in 2010, 72nd annual session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee
22 February Can inland water transport play a larger role in global supply chains?
3 February UNECE calls for renewed efforts to increase inland transport security
28 January Ukraine accedes to Agreement on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways
27 January UNECE and UN-HABITAT delivering as one in the Commonwealth of Independent States
19 January China becomes a global player in forest products markets (available in French)
19 January UNECE celebrates 20th anniversary of its Working Party on Gas
15 January UNECE held Town Hall meeting to highlight priorities for 2010
8 January Improved regulations on persistent organic pollutants in the UNECE region
Previous Press Releases:
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17 декабря 2010 Государства Центральной Азии завершили разработку третьей Программы бассейна Аральского моря
6 декабря 2010 ЕЭК ООН проводит семинар по управлению водными ресурсами в Туркменистане
18 октября 2010 Казахстан: укрепление трансграничного водного сотрудничества с помощью Конвенции ЕЭК ООН по трансграничным водам
16 августа 2010 Эксперты стран Центральной Азии проходят обучение в Москве в рамках проекта ЕЭК ООН по безопасности плотин
5 августа 2010 Экономический кризис привел к самому низкому объему лесозаготовок в регионе ЕЭК ООН в истории
16 июля 2010 Новое международное соглашение будет способствовать включению вопросов окружающей среды и здравоохранения в процесс принятия политических решений
6 июля 2010 Новое международное соглашение будет способствовать включению вопросов окружающей среды и здравоохранения в процесс принятия политических решений
20 Апрель 2010 Конвенция ЕЭК ООН о трансграничном воздействии промышленных аварий празднует свою десятую годовщину
30 марта 2010 Новый Заместитель Исполнительного секретаря ЕЭК ООН
30 марта 2010 В Азербайджане прошел семинар Европейской экономической комиссии ООН на тему прозрачности и эффективности землепользования
29 Январь 2010 По случаю 10той годовщины Байя Маре ЕЭК ООН призывает к постоянным усилиям для предупреждения промышленных аварий