UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe


PAU Publications

Expert Seminar

Background Papers for the Financing for Development Expert Meeting
Note 1
These papers are being circulated by the secretariat as received from the authors. They will be revised for publication and should not be quoted without authorization from the authors.

The environment for FDI spillovers in the transition economies
(A background paper by EAD/UNECE)

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The impact of foreign affiliates on domestic firms and measures to promote positive horizotal spillovers - David Greenaway and Holger Gorg (University of Nottingham)

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Promoting linkages and between foreign affiliates and domestic firms - Michael Mortimore, UNCTAD (World Investment Report 2001)

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- Reflections on Linkage Policy in Irish Manufacturing - Policy Chasing a Moving Target?
 Frances Ruane (Trinity College, Dublin)

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- Policy Consequences of FDI, Linkage Promotion Opportunities in Hungary
 Miklos Szanyi (Senior Researcher, Economic Research Institute, Budapest)

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The role of finance for enterprise restructuring and growth in the transition economies - Mark Schaffer (Heriot Watt University)

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Bank Reform and Development in Transition Economies - Steven Fries (Director of Policy Studies, EBRD) and Anita Taci (Economist,  EBRD)

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note 2:
The papers available below are not formally part of the programme but they are may be useful as background materials.


Economic growth and foreign direct investment in the transition economies.
(Economic Survey of Europe 2001 No. 1)

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