UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Annual session

Fifty-ninth session, Geneva, 24-26 February 2004
E/2004/37 -
Annual report (7 March 2003 - 26 February 2004) PDF English [161 KB]
Français [210 KB]
Russian [582 KB]
E/ECE/1409 Provisional agenda for the fifty-ninth session PDF English pdf (85 Kb)
French pdf (91 Kb)
Russian pdf (403 Kb)
Registration form pdf (19 Kb)
E/ECE/1409/Corr.1 Provisional agenda for the fifty-ninth session (Corrigendum)   PDF English pdf (19 Kb)
E/ECE/1410 Provisional agenda item 5: The UNECE'S cooperation with OSCE - Cooperation between the UNECE and OSCE in the economic and environmental dimensions of security
(Note by the Executive Secretary)
PDF English pdf (41 Kb)
French pdf (125 Kb)
Russian pdf (110 Kb)
E/ECE/1411 Provisional agenda item 4: The UNECE reform
(Note by the Executive Secretary)  
PDF English pdf (63 Kb)
French pdf (66 Kb)
Russian pdf (167 Kb)
E/ECE/1411/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 4: The UNECE reform - Technical cooperation strategy
(Note by the Executive Secretary)  
PDF English pdf (44 Kb)
French pdf (52 Kb)
Russian pdf (126 Kb)
E/ECE/1412 Provisional agenda item 5: The work of the UNECE: achievements, constraints and perspectives
(Report of the Executive Secretary)  
PDF English pdf (65 Kb)
French pdf (100 Kb)
Russian pdf (215 Kb)
E/ECE/1413 Provisional agenda item 7: Preparation for and follow-up to world and regional conferences
(Note by the Executive Secretary)  
PDF English pdf (46 Kb)
French pdf (55 Kb)
Russian pdf (121 Kb)
E/ECE/1414 Provisional agenda item 8: UNECE technical cooperation activities in 2003: an overview
(Note by the Executive Secretary)  
PDF English pdf (78 Kb)
French pdf (105 Kb)
Russian pdf (247 Kb)
E/ECE/1415 Provisional agenda item 9: The work of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work
(Report by the Chairperson of the Group of Experts)  
PDF English pdf (18 Kb)
French pdf (33 Kb)
Russian pdf (52 Kb)
E/ECE/1415/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 9: Work of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work
PDF English only pdf (22 Kb)
Conference Room Papers
CRP.1 Provisional agenda item 3: Background paper on competitiveness and growth in the UNECE region PDF English pdf (14 Kb)
CRP.2 Provisional agenda item 5: The UNECE cooperation with OSCE PDF English pdf (13 Kb)
CRP.3 Provisional agenda item 7: Proposal for UNECE's follow-up activities to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
PDF English pdf (20 Kb)