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Displaying Results 1641 - 1660 of 2825

- Pусский
Серия публикаций по водным проблемам № 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- English
Water Series No. 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 New York and Geneva, 2006Download this Publication
- Pусский
Брошура о Протоколе по проблемам воды и здоровья ECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © ВОЗ, ЕЭК ООН, 2006Readmore
- English
Brochures about the Protocol on Water and HealthECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © WHO, UNECE, 2006Download this Publication
- English
This publication intends to review the results of trade integration in the region of the EECCA. In particular, it provides a historical background about the unfolding of the free trade agreements and a summary of existing trade preferences. The analysis then turns to an evaluation of remaining barriers to trade. The rest of the paper examines the “building blocks” of a well-functioning
- English
This publication is part of a project financed under the Fourth Tranche of the United Nations Development Account. The project, entitled "Interregional partnership for promoting trade as an engine of growth through knowledge management and information and communication technologies", is carried out jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations.The Fourth Tranche of the UN
- English
The UNECE Guidelines on Social Housing are designed to enable policymakers to assess the various policy options that are currently available for the provision of social housing. The Guidelines address the institutional, legal and economic frameworks for social housing and experience with social housing design.Readmore
- English
Readmore it is available in English (2.4 MB), French (3.0 MB) and Russian (4.2 MB) (2006)
- English
Citizens' guide to European complaint mechanism (2006) ENG
- English
Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/342     Sales # E.06.II.E.10     ISBN 978-92-1-116944-7 – US$ 25      more details: [email protected]
- English
Belgium - Brussels Capital Region Read more Report of ECOSPHERE Forum held in Brussels, 27 October 2006 with the support of the Bruxelles Environnement
- Pусский
ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙНью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 6Russian translation by EcoGlobe ENGRUS