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Displaying Results 241 - 260 of 2835

- English
The Policy Brief contains insights on the progress of the ECE region on key indicators for Sustainable Development Goal 7, highlights other developments for the energy sector in the region, and provides recommendations on actions to help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.
- Français
Plus de 60 % du débit mondial d’eau douce sur la planète fait l’objet d’un partage entre deux ou plusieurs États riverains. La gestion durable et concertée de ces ressources en eau transfrontières est essentielle pour l’accès à l’eau et le développement durable, ainsi que pour la paix et la stabilité régionale. Cependant, de nombreux pays et bassins peinent à identifier et à mobiliser les
- English
These guidelines were developed as part of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. These guidelines provide practical recommendations for city governments on how to develop investment-grade projects in support of sustainable smart urban development. The Guidelines explain what a sustainable smart city project is and provide an overview of traditional and innovative financing
- Pусский
Укрепление потенциала является одним из основных аспектов налаживания и обеспечения производства высококачественного семенного картофеля. Настоящее Руководство предназначено для организации курсов или семинаров по укреплению потенциала в странах, которые еще не создали систему семенного картофеля, но намерены принять к использованию Стандарт на семенной картофель ЕЭК ООН или разработать
- Français
Le renforcement des capacités joue un rôle important puisqu’il permet d’organiser et d’assurer la production de plants de pomme de terre de qualité. Ce Guide est destiné aux séminaires ou formations sur le renforcement des capacités dans les pays qui n’ont pas encore mis en place un système de certification des plants de pomme de terre, mais qui ont l’intention d’adopter la norme CEE-ONU sur les
- English
Capacity-building is a major aspect to establish and ensure the production of high-quality seed potatoes. This Guide is aimed for capacity-building courses or seminars in countries that have not yet implemented a Seed Potato Scheme but are intending to adopt the UNECE Seed Potato Standard or national rules based on the Standard. Capacity-building in the framework of the UNECE Standard not only
- English
The world’s prevalent economic model, based on a ‘take-make-use-dispose’ approach, cannot maintain and raise human standards of living without causing environmental degradation and incurring economic risks. Decoupling economic activity from the increasing demand for natural resources could be done through circular, bio-based economy approaches leading to a regenerative growth model, allowing
- English
The WPLA, in cooperation with the Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom (ODI); and Global Land Alliance, United States (GLA), produced the report “Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights  in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing”. This report uses data on perceived security of property rights for land and housing across the
- English
The report provides an overview of the general trade and regulatory context of Georgia and an analysis of the key economic figures of the pharmaceutical sector, such as industry composition and dynamics, and exports. It gives an overview of the country’s transport networks and presents key facts of the sector and identifies possible bottlenecks in and proposes solutions for the trade-related
- Pусский
Рабочая группа активно сотрудничает с Институтом зарубежного развития (ODI, Великобритания) и Глобальным альянсом по вопросам землепользования (GLA, Соединенные Штаты Америки) - организациями, которые занимаются разработкой, публикацией «Индекса имущественных прав» (Prindex) и подготовлением отчета «Устойчивое развитие и уровень защищенности имущественных прав в регионе ЕЭК ООН: Оценка
- Pусский
Этот План действий по восстановлению показывает, что соответствующие вмешательства могут одновременно иметь преимущества для здоровья, безопасности и другие социально-экономические преимущества. Двойные цели повышения устойчивости к пандемии и достижения ЦУР могут быть достигнуты одновременно. Кроме того, готовность страны к стихийным бедствиям может иметь решающее значение, поэтому более тесная
- English
This Recovery Action Plan shows that appropriate interventions can simultaneously have health, safety and other socioeconomic benefits. The twin goals of increased pandemic resilience, and the achievement of the SDGs can be advanced simultaneously. Additionally, a country’s disaster preparedness can make all the difference, therefore, greater integration and formalization of the informal
- English
Social exclusion is measured and defined in a range of ways. While many countries measure some aspects of social exclusion, few surveys or statistical methods are specifically designed for this. This publication presents approaches and practices in measuring social exclusion. The introductory Chapter 1 lays down the motivation behind the work and what is meant by social exclusion
- English
This document presents the eQuality Certification system processes and business requirements for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables covered by marketing standards. It provides a high level functional description of the main business processes  to be managed by an electronic Conformity Certificate management system for Fresh Fruit and vegetables . This functional system specification can be used as a
- English
The report presents results of the 2021 United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation for six participants in United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), namely Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, reviewing the progress of trade facilitation reforms and provides a detailed analysis based on 58
- English
- English
Food loss and waste is no longer a negligible nuisance, it has become a sizeable and growing problem in the context of a rapidly increasing population with food and energy needs; environmental degradation, climate change, fluctuating prices and production pressures. A simple methodology aimed to systematically measuring the food lost and wasted at several key points of the fresh produce supply
- Pусский
На Пятом совещании высокого уровня по транспорту, охране здоровья и окружающей среде в мае 2021 г. правительства приняли Венскую декларацию «Достичь большего за счет перехода к новой, чистой, безопасной, здоровой и инклюзивной мобильности и транспорту», которая основана на предыдущей работе ОПТОСОЗ извлекла уроки из воздействия пандемии COVID-19 и с нетерпением ждет своего видения «чистой,
- Français
Lors de la cinquième réunion de haut niveau sur les transports, la santé et l'environnement en mai 2021, les gouvernements ont adopté la Déclaration de Vienne « Mieux construire en passant à une mobilité et des transports nouveaux, propres, sûrs, sains et inclusifs », qui s'appuie sur les travaux antérieurs de THE PEP, les leçons tirées des conséquences de la pandémie de COVID-19 et attend avec
- English
At the Fifth High-level Meeting Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment in May 2021, governments adopted the Vienna Declaration "Building forward better by transforming to new, clean, safe, healthy and inclusive mobility and transport" which builds upon the previous work of THE PEP, the lessons learned from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and looks forward with its vision of a “