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Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 113

- English
The Nur-Sultan City Profile presents the outcomes of the city evaluation against the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC), and proposes actions for the city to make progress towards achieving the SDGs. It provides guidance for Nur-Sultan, including the development, review and implementation of urban policies, programmes, and projects, and for building partnerships
- Pусский
Изложенные в настоящем документе руководящие принципы (далее «Руководящие принципы») направлены на оказание правительствам в регионе ЕЭК ООН поддержки в их усилиях по совершенствованию процесса разработки опирающейся на фактологические данные политики обеспечения устойчивости городского развития и жилищного хозяйства.   Настоящий документ служит практическим руководством для лиц,
- English
The guidelines aim to support the efforts of governments in the UNECE region to improve evidence-based policymaking on sustainable urban development and housing.  This document serves as a practical reference for policymakers and for other experts involved in the development, review and implementation of policies on sustainable housing and urban development. The Guidelines can be used at
- English
This Guide contains a circular city implementation framework that is designed to improve circularity in cities and support stakeholders in implementing circular actions. The framework consists of a four-step methodology that provides a consistent method for assessing, prioritising and catalysing different circular actions. This deliverable is developed in response to the growing sustainability
- English
This publication builds  on the outcomes  of  projects implemented  in  the  period 2017-2019 by two Divisions of UNECE - Sustainable  Energy  Division and  Forests,  Land  and  Housing  Division , and also  takes  stock  of the results  of  activities undertaken  by the UNECE Joint  Task
- English
This publication is a brief, practical and easy-to-read guide, explaining how to structure a programme for the formalization of informal constructions. The focus is on the formalization process itself, but there are also descriptions of the preparatory work needed to analyze problem magnitude, as well as how to find political acceptance, identify post-formalization factors, and identify the root
- English
This report presents final results of a study on benchmarking in land administration on the costs for registration/transfer of real estate and mortgages for the ECE region. The study covers costs of the registration of transfers, establishment of mortgages, subdivision of a land parcel and inspection fees for the registers.  
- English
This publication is the second profile on smart sustainable cities in the UNECE region, after Goris, Armenia. The study analyses the city of Voznesensk by using the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Smart Sustainable Cities and support the municipality in setting priorities for action.  
- English
Effective and efficient housing management is important to support the implementation of key UN agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the New Urban Agenda and the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing.The study “Guidelines on the Management and Ownership of Condominium Housing” developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Real
- English
This publication is an update to the 2010 Policy Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Markets, that was also published by the UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory Group. This update reflects the emergence of key international agreements, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing; the New Urban Agenda; the Paris Agreement, and the Basel III
- English
The Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management are intended to assist governments to improve the performance of their housing, urban development and land management sectors and, at the same time, to promote sustainable development.This Country Profile of Belarus, prepared at the request of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, is the twenty first in the series. It focuses on the
- English
This report has been prepared in the framework of the UNECE projects "Energy Efficiency Standards in Building in the UNECE region" under the Forests, Land and Housing Division and "Enhancing national capacities for development and implementation of the energy efficiency standards in buildings in the UNECE region" under the Sustainable Energy Division and the
- English
This report follows up on the study "Mapping of Existing Energy Efficiency Standards and Technologies in Buildings in the UNECE Region" by analyzing the actual prevalence of specific types of energy-efficient technologies in the buildings sector in the UNECE region, along with the levels and types of public policy interventions supporting their implementations. 
- English
This guidance document provides the necessary structure, definitions, and tools to aid in the development of a Smart Sustainable City Action Plan. City Action Plans are developed to implement the recommendations of Smart Sustainable City Profiles. The Plans list the recommendations of the City Profiles and provide a full and strategic, and practical scheme to implement the recommendations.
- English
This is the full report of the 2018 Vienna Conference on Sustainable Housing "Promoting access to adequate, affordable and decent housing for all through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the New urban Agenda and Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing", organized by UNECE and the City of Vienna on 12 and 13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
- English
This document contains information on the purpose and role of UNECE Country Profiles in facilitating legal, political and infrastructural reforms in UNECE countries; the rationale behind the country profiles structure; and the guidelines for the preparation of country profiles. The current revised guidelines reflect findings and recommendations of the independent evaluation of UNECE country
- English
This Smart Sustainable City Profile of Goris analyses the current situation of the city using the key performance indicators (KPIs) elaborated by the UNECE with the ITU and other partners, to support the municipality in setting up their priorities for action. Goris was selected as the pilot city because of its strategic position in the system of roads in Armenia, its rich cultural and historical
- English
Ministers and Heads of Delegation from the member States of the United Nations  Economic  Commission  for  Europe  (UNECE)  met at the seventy-eighth session of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management to discuss  the  challenges  and opportunities of sustainable housing in liveable cities and sustainable human settlements, and to mark the
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a series of case studies on smart governance, smart people and smart economy, which will catapult successful smart city practices into the global spotlight.ENG
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a study of the advantages of using ICTs to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 11, by facilitating the missing linkages that exist between sustainability policies and urban-planning practices through digitally-enabled