INF.1 (Russian Federation) Proposed amendments to Article 3, Annex 2 and Annex 2, Appendices 1 and 2 regarding the extension of the requirements of Annex 2 to chilled foodstuffs. Annulment of ATP Annex 3 |
INF.2 (Russian Federation) Inclusion in ATP of Annex 4 regarding the conditions to be observed during carriage of fresh fruit and vegetables |
INF.3 (Netherlands) Separate testing of liquefied gas systems - Related document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2011/15 |
INF.4 (IIR) Recommendations from the IIR CERTE Subcommission to the 67th session of WP.11 |
INF.5 (Italian equipment manufacturer) Certification and calibration of instruments used by testing stations (replaces an earlier version of this document) |
INF.6 (Secretariat) References to standards |
INF.7 (Secretariat) Development of an environmental programme of work |
INF.8 (Netherlands) Draft for the revision of Annex 1 |
INF.9 (Sweden) K coefficient of equipment in service - document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2011/9 |
INF.10 (Secretariat) List of documents by agenda item |
INF.11 (Transfrigoroute International) Multi-temperature equipment this document was withdrawn |
INF.12 (Spain) Proposal for an amendment to Article 5 of ATP |
INF.13 (France) Transitional measure for multi-temperature equipment |
PowerPoint presentation on European Standardization, Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) |
PowerPoint presentation on European Standards within CEN/TC 113/WG 13 |
PowerPoint presentation - 26 Challenges facing refrigerated trucks for sustainable development, France |