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5th session

Group of Experts on Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs
Fifth session

Registration form or  online registration
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/9 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifth session (30-31 January 2018)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/10 - Report of the fifth session (30-31 January 2018)
Working Documents
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2017/1/Rev.2 - Revised terminology on Benchmarking Road Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (Note by the Group of Experts)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2018/1 - Terminology on Benchmarking Intermodal Terminals Infrastructure Construction Costs (Note by the secretariat)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2018/2 - Terminology on Benchmarking Rail Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (Note by the secretariat)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2018/3 - Terminology on Benchmarking Inland Waterways Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (Note by the secretariat)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2018/4 - Terminology/Questionnaire on Benchmarking Ports Infrastructure Construction Costs (Submitted by the Gdynia Port Authority (Poland))
Informal documents
Informal document (2018) No. 1 - Key cost drivers in railway asset management, Publication of short list (Submitted by the International Union of Railways)
English only
Informal document (2018) No. 2 - Lasting Infrastructure Cost Benchmarking Glossary 2.0 (Submitted by the International Union of Railways)
English only
Informal document (2018) No. 3 - Questionnaire on railways (Submitted by PKP PLK)
English only
Informal document (2018) No. 4 - Rail terminology (Submitted by PKP PLK)
English only
High Speed – KPI & Benchmarking, Results of a UIC study (Mr. Teodor Gradinariu, Railways System Department ,UIC)
English only
Lasting Infrastructure Cost Benchmarking, Results and Benefits of 20 Years of Benchmarking (Mr. Teodor Gradinariu, Railways System Departement, UIC)
English only
Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (Turkey)
English only