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Download Documents for Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
2024 Report Expert Meeting_eng.pdf 2024 Report Expert Meeting_eng.pdf (application/pdf, 198.37 KB) English Report
2024 Timetable_EN.pdf 2024 Timetable_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 210.45 KB) English Timetable
2024 Timetable RU.pdf 2024 Timetable RU.pdf (application/pdf, 328.19 KB) Russian Timetable
02. Call for Contributions_Poverty 2024.pdf 02. Call for Contributions_Poverty 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 295.6 KB) English Call for Contributions
03. Logistical Information_Poverty 2024.pdf 03. Logistical Information_Poverty 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 825.12 KB) English Logistical Information Note
Social policies_Albania.pdf Social policies_Albania.pdf (application/pdf, 200.91 KB) English Impact of social transfers on poverty – Case of Albania from SILC (Albania)
Social policies_Albania_paper.pdf Social policies_Albania_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 485.56 KB) English Impact of social transfers on poverty – Case of Albania from SILC (Albania)
Social policies_Albania.pdf Social policies_Albania.pdf (application/pdf, 316.93 KB) English Impact of Social Transfers on Poverty – Case of Albania from SILC, Blerina Memaj (Albania)
Social policies_Climate change_OECD_paper.pdf Social policies_Climate change_OECD_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 1.49 MB) English Welfare projections in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (OECD)
Social policies_OECD.pdf Social policies_OECD.pdf (application/pdf, 231.25 KB) English Income instability and economic insecurity in European OECD countries (OECD)
Social policies_OECD_paper.pdf Social policies_OECD_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 3.08 MB) English On Shaky Ground? Income Instability and Economic Insecurity in Europe (OECD)
Social policies_OECD.pdf Social policies_OECD.pdf (application/pdf, 982.3 KB) English On shaky ground? Income instability and economic insecurity in Europe, Luiz Hermida (OECD)
Social policies_UNECE_Discussant.pdf Social policies_UNECE_Discussant.pdf (application/pdf, 213.95 KB) English Discussant's reflections: Social policies, social transfers, and data, Eveline Vandewal (Netherlands)
Intra-household poverty_US Census Bureau.pdf Intra-household poverty_US Census Bureau.pdf (application/pdf, 184.63 KB) English Moving to the household unit of analysis in the United States (United States)
Intra-household poverty_US Census Bureau.pdf Intra-household poverty_US Census Bureau.pdf (application/pdf, 1.55 MB) English Moving to the household unit of analysis for poverty measurement in the United States, Liana Fox (United States)
Intra-household poverty_UNICEF.pdf Intra-household poverty_UNICEF.pdf (application/pdf, 205.28 KB) English Child sensitiveness of poverty measures in Europe (UNICEF)
Intra-household poverty_Switzerland.pdf Intra-household poverty_Switzerland.pdf (application/pdf, 205.31 KB) English Gender and in-work poverty – a paradoxical situation (Switzerland)
Intra-household poverty_IWDA_Women.pdf Intra-household poverty_IWDA_Women.pdf (application/pdf, 203.02 KB) English Assessing the extent of misclassification of individual circumstances from multi-person households through use of household-level surveys of poverty (IWDA)
Intra-household poverty_IWDA_Women.pdf Intra-household poverty_IWDA_Women.pdf (application/pdf, 895.04 KB) English Equality Insights: Demonstrating what is enabled by individual, gender-sensitive, multidimensional measurement of poverty, Yolanda Riveros-Morales (IWDA)
Assets_Finland.pdf Assets_Finland.pdf (application/pdf, 202.79 KB) English Measuring assets-based poverty in Finland (Finland)
Assets_Finland.pdf Assets_Finland.pdf (application/pdf, 116.17 KB) English Asset-based poverty in Finland, Veli-Matti Törmälehto (Finland)
Assets_Switzerland.pdf Assets_Switzerland.pdf (application/pdf, 205.81 KB) English Objective and subjective indicators on over-indebtedness in Switzerland (Switzerland)
Assets_Switzerland.pdf Assets_Switzerland.pdf (application/pdf, 543.51 KB) English New indicators on over-indebtedness in Switzerland, Martina Guggisberg (Switzerland)
Assets_Netherlands.pdf Assets_Netherlands.pdf (application/pdf, 205.6 KB) English Revised National Poverty Threshold in the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Assets_Netherlands.pdf Assets_Netherlands.pdf (application/pdf, 654.99 KB) English Revised National Poverty Threshold in the Netherlands, Eveline Vandewal (Netherlands)
Assets_WB.pdf Assets_WB.pdf (application/pdf, 204.65 KB) English Guidelines for the collection of wealth data in household surveys conducted in Low- and middle-income countries (World Bank)
Assets_World Bank.pdf Assets_World Bank.pdf (application/pdf, 2.78 MB) English Measuring wealth in household surveys in low-and middle-income countries: A vulnerability perspective, Giovanni D’Alessio (World Bank)
Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF.pdf Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF.pdf (application/pdf, 202.4 KB) English Data sources for measuring poverty and inequality in Ukraine during the war (Ukraine)
Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF_paper.pdf Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 235.23 KB) English Data sources for measuring poverty and inequality in Ukraine during the war (Ukraine)
Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF.pdf Data sources_Ukraine UNICEF.pdf (application/pdf, 797.48 KB) English Data sources for measuring poverty and inequality in Ukraine during the war, Volodymyr Sarioglo (Ukraine)
Data sources_Gianni.pdf Data sources_Gianni.pdf (application/pdf, 201.59 KB) English Advances in the correction of the underestimation of inequality measures in cross-section and longitudinal survey imputation (University of Siena, Italy)
Data sources_Gianni.pdf Data sources_Gianni.pdf (application/pdf, 2.02 MB) English Advances in the correction of the underestimation of inequality measures in cross-section and longitudinal survey imputation, Gianni Betti (University of Siena, Italy)
Energy poverty_Eurostat.pdf Energy poverty_Eurostat.pdf (application/pdf, 203.57 KB) English EU-SILC data for monitoring of the energy poverty in the EU (Eurostat)
Energy poverty_Eurostat.pdf Energy poverty_Eurostat.pdf (application/pdf, 1.38 MB) English Energy poverty, Emilio Di Meglio (Eurostat)
Energy poverty_Austria.pdf Energy poverty_Austria.pdf (application/pdf, 223.08 KB) English Dimensions of energy poverty in Austria (Austria)
Energy poverty_Austria_paper_NEW YT.pdf Energy poverty_Austria_paper_NEW YT.pdf (application/pdf, 442.28 KB) English Dimensions of energy poverty in Austria (Austria)
Energy poverty_Austria.pdf Energy poverty_Austria.pdf (application/pdf, 614.68 KB) English Dimensions of Energy Poverty in Austria, Nadja Lamei (Austria)
Energy poverty_Kyrgystan.pdf Energy poverty_Kyrgystan.pdf (application/pdf, 233.57 KB) English The role of national statistics in producing data for calculating energy poverty: experience of the Kyrgyz Republic (UNDP, Kyrgyzstan / Kyrgyz Republic)
Energy poverty_Kyrgystan.pdf Energy poverty_Kyrgystan.pdf (application/pdf, 1.19 MB) English Indicators of energy vulnerability of households in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kalymbetova Yryskan (Kyrgyzstan)
Energy poverty_JRC.pdf Energy poverty_JRC.pdf (application/pdf, 185.93 KB) English Addressing energy poverty from a local perspective: An analysis of the urban application of the global covenant of mayors’ energy access and energy poverty framework (JRC, European Commission)
Energy poverty_JRC.pdf Energy poverty_JRC.pdf (application/pdf, 538.97 KB) English Addressing energy poverty from a local perspective: An analysis of the urban application of the global covenant of mayors’ energy access and energy poverty framework, Valentina Palermo (JRC, European Commission)
Energy poverty_Federico Polidoro.pdf Energy poverty_Federico Polidoro.pdf (application/pdf, 635.23 KB) English Discussant's reflections, Federico Polidoro (World Bank)
Inequality in Consumption_US BLS.pdf Inequality in Consumption_US BLS.pdf (application/pdf, 225.83 KB) English Building a comparable measure of consumption: Concepts and measurement challenges faced by emerging and advanced economies (United States)
_Inequality in consumption_Thesia_US Bureau Labour Statistics.pdf _Inequality in consumption_Thesia_US Bureau Labour Statistics.pdf (application/pdf, 505.07 KB) English Building a comparable measure of consumption: Concepts and measurement challenges faced by emerging and advanced economics, Thesia Garner (United States)
Hard to reach_Italy_Roma people.pdf Hard to reach_Italy_Roma people.pdf (application/pdf, 196.69 KB) English Changing homes, changing lives: A study on Roma housing transitions (Italy)
Hard to reach_Italy_Roma people.pdf Hard to reach_Italy_Roma people.pdf (application/pdf, 314.4 KB) English Changing Homes, Changing Lives: A Study on Roma Housing Transitions, Valeria de Martino (Italy)
Hard to reach_Italy_Rome city.pdf Hard to reach_Italy_Rome city.pdf (application/pdf, 201.79 KB) English Direct and indirect assessment of homeless population in a big city: the case of Rome (Italy)
Hard to reach_Italy_Rome city.pdf Hard to reach_Italy_Rome city.pdf (application/pdf, 4.39 MB) English Direct and indirect assessment of homeless population in a big city: the case of Rome, Federico Di Leo (Italy)
Panel_Rational for relative poverty lines_LIS presentation.pdf Panel_Rational for relative poverty lines_LIS presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 439.93 KB) English Poverty comparisons: absolute, relative or weakly relative?, Peter Lanjouw (LIS Cross-National Data Center)
Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_ENG.pdf Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 202.38 KB) English Knowledge management system of the CIS Statistical Committee: Indicators of living standards and conditions (CIS-STAT)
Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_RUS.pdf Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 241.36 KB) Russian Knowledge management system of the CIS Statistical Committee: Indicators of living standards and conditions (CIS-STAT)
Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_ENG.pdf Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.55 MB) English Knowledge Management System of the CIS-Stat: Indicators of Living Standards and Conditions, Alexander Kiryanov (CIS-Stat)
Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_RUS.pdf Communicating statistics_CISSTAT_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.57 MB) Russian Knowledge Management System of the CIS-Stat: Indicators of Living Standards and Conditions, Alexander Kiryanov (CIS-Stat)
Work under the Conference_SocialCohesion_paper.pdf Work under the Conference_SocialCohesion_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 431.86 KB) English Final report of the UNECE Task team on social cohesion
Work under the Conference_SocialCohesion.pdf Work under the Conference_SocialCohesion.pdf (application/pdf, 280.63 KB) English Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality, Andrew Heisz (UNECE Task Team on Social Cohesion)
Work under the Conference_UNECE_Slides.pdf Work under the Conference_UNECE_Slides.pdf (application/pdf, 1.88 MB) English Work on poverty and inequality statistics under the Conference of European Statisticians, Vania Etropolska (UNECE)
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