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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 109

- English
The objective of the “Blue book” is to establish an inventory of existing and envisaged standards and parameters of E waterways and ports in Europe and to show, on an internationally comparable basis, the current inland navigation infrastructure parameters in Europe as compared to the minimum standards and parameters prescribed on the Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International
- English
This document presents the UNECE's Action Plan for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011–2020). This Plan is directly aligned with the UN Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety. It aims to achieve the UNECE’s overall road safety goals by addressing priority areas of work as well as by implementing the ongoing and future initiatives in the UNECE region and beyond. Free
- English
This UNECE publication contains: a background document, a strategic note and, the UNECE road map on ITS.
- English
Intelligent Transport Systems play an important role in shaping the future ways of mobility and the transport sector. We expect that through the use of ITS applications transport will become more efficient, safer and greener. The huge potentials and benefits, however, can only be reaped if
- English
The TEM and TER revised Master Plan Final report consists of two Volumes - Volume l, containing the main text and Volume II – Annexes.Volume I: Main textVolume II: AnnexesVolume I, is being
- English
The UNECE Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-Wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Resolution No. 61) establish a Pan-European regime of technical requirements for inland navigation vessels engaged in international transport of goods and passengers. They are a result of Governments efforts, aimed at unifying the divergent regulations in force within different
- English
White Paper on Efficient and Sustainable Inland Water Transport in EuropeInland water transport is, on many European transport corridors, a competitive alternative to road and rail transport, offering an economical, sustainable and environment friendly mode of transport. However,  in most UNECE countries it is still largely under-used and its development calls for a pro-active policy
- English
SIGNI – Signs and Signals on Inland WaterwaysThis volume contains the revised full text of the harmonized system of Signs and Symbols on Inland Waterways (SIGNI).ECE/TRANS/SC.3/108/Rev.2Sales No. E.11.II.E.11ISBN 978-92-1-117048-1e-ISBN 978-92-1-054465-8Price: US$ 20Languages: E, F, R How to order this publication
- English
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/185Sales No. E.10.VIII.1ISBN 978-92-1-139137-4Price: US$ 15Languages: E, F, R, GHow to order this publication
- English
This publication presents the text of the European Code for Inland Waterways Revision 4 including Annexes and Supplement. It extensively details the Code and covers Articles 1 through 9.ECE/ TRANS/SC.3/115/Rev.4Sales No. E.10.II.E.3ISBN: 978-92-1-117019-1Price: US$ 50Languages: E, F, R How to order this
- English
Integrated Report on Comparison of the TEM and TER Master Plan Backbone Networks and on Implementation of the Priority projects in 2006 Report (pdf 42 KB) Attachment A (pdf 3,970 KB)
- English
ECE/TRANS/195 Sales No. E.07.VIII.5 ISBN: 978-92-1-139124-4 Price: US$ 35 Languages: E, F, R, Spanish, Convention on Road Traffic of 1968 and and European Agreement Supplementing the Convention - 2006 consolidated versionsThe Vienna Convention on Road Traffic was done at Vienna on 8 November 1968. Since its entry into force on 21 May 1977, it replaces previous road traffic Conventions
- English
ECE/TRANS/196 Sales No. E.07.VIII.7 ISBN: 978-92-1-139128-2 Price: US$ 45 Languages: E, F, R Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968 European Agreement Supplementing the Convention and Protocol on Road Markings, Additional to the European Agreement - 2006 consolidated versionsThe Convention on Road Signs and Signals was done at Vienna on 8 November 1968. Since its entry into force
- English
In September 2005, the TEM and TER Projects completed the elaboration of their Master Plan, including the identification of the backbone networks for road and rail transport in 21 Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries as well as a realistic investment strategy to gradually develop these networks. As a result of this exercise, as many as 491 projects (319 TEM and 172 TER)
- English
The UNECE-sponsored Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM) Project has published the 3rd Edition of its Standards and Recommended Practice to reflect the up-to-date requirements of motorway users, the latest experience, research and development achievements in the field of motorway design, construction and operation as well as newly required safety measures in motorway tunnels.These