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Gender Statistics

Measuring and monitoring gender equality

Coherent and reliable gender statistics are crucial for measuring and monitoring the realities of women’s and men’s lives across the region.  A broad diversity of topics and issues is covered under the heading of gender statistics, reflecting the changing roles of women and men in society, in the economy and in families and households. Gender statistics help policymakers formulate and monitor policies and plans, monitor changes, and inform the public. 

What we do to measure gender equality

  • We support the production, compilation and dissemination of gender statistics and gender equality indicators. We conduct methodological work to ensure appropriate measurement of gender issues in official statistics, we build related capacities in national statistical systems, and organize exchange of experience through regular expert meetings.
  • We make the collected data accessible. The collected data is published in the UNECE UNECE Gender Statistics Database and highlights key issues and trends in gender equality in the region.