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Cooperation with prominent organizations and industry experts operating in the relevant fields has been established.

The Committee on Sustainable Energy requested that the relevant UNECE expert groups prepare a coordinated, solutions-oriented report about methane management in extractive industries with a focus on establishing a baseline, benchmarking and scale of current methane emissions in those industries, with the aim of giving clear guidance to policy makers. (See para. 46 of the Report of the 23rd session of the Committee).

In this context, in January 2015, the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane offered to participate in the Task Force on methane management in extractive industries. In support of this activity, the Group of Experts included in its 2016–2017 work plan activities to: 1) cover integrated coal mine methane management, including early pre-mining drainage and related unconventional natural gas extraction; 2) explore other economic, environmental and social aspects of coal mine methane, with a view to treat coal mine methane management in the context of sustainable development, green economy, and green job creation; and 3) develop recommendations on the enabling role of coal mine methane projects in restructuring coal mining industry through adopting new business models that facilitate transition from a single community producer to an integrated energy company (see Revised draft 2016-17 Work Plan of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane).

Following the Committee’s request, the Group of Experts on Gas accepted to participate in the preparation of a coordinated, solutions-oriented report about methane management in extractive industries.    
It also recommended that other groups of experts—subsidiary bodies of the Committee on Sustainable Energy—delegate experts and join a coordinated, solutions-oriented effort, under the lead of the Bureau of the Committee on Sustainable Energy, which would give clear guidance to policymakers on how to manage methane in a sustainable way (See paras. 10-11 of the Report of the 2nd session of the Group of Experts on Gas).


Partnerships have been established across the energy sectors and there is ongoing discussion with additional partners. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) have been established with the International Gas Union and the World Coal Association. Additional agreements may be developed with partners or joint work established under the auspices of the Committee on Sustainable Energy or respective groups of experts.