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Displaying Results 701 - 720 of 2825

- English
In 2015 Parties to the Water Convention decided to introduce a reporting mechanism by which to monitor and assess progress in the implementation of the Convention. A pilot reporting exercise took place in 2017 and 2018, the results of which are presented in this synthesis report. The report closely mirrors the structure of the reporting template. The introduction provides the context to the
- English
The Joint Advocacy Messages covered in this note are the result of joint thinking, analytics and positioning of the regional UN system in Europe and Central Asia. They are the commitment of the UN to deliver as one on social protection in the region and at the country level.
- English
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Albania. The review takes stock of the progress made by Albania in the management of its environment since the country was reviewed for the second time in 2012. I It covers legal and policy frameworks, greening the economy, environmental monitoring, public participation and education for sustainable development.
- Pусский
This policy brief synthesizes the main findings and recommendations from the assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Syr Darya River Basin, shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The methodology employed was developed specifically for assessing the nexus in transboundary basins with multi-disciplinary expertise. The assessment aimed to foster
- English
Cooperation over transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers is critical to ensuring that water resources are managed in an equitable and sustainable manner, and the achievement of SDG6 (water). Transboundary waters also create social, economic, environmental and political inter-dependencies that make cooperation a precondition to sustainable development, peace and security.  As the only target
- English
Every year, as a consequence of road traffic crashes, more than 1.2 million people are killed globally, while another 50 million are injured. Approximately 90% of all road crashes occur in low- and middle-income countries. Even though road safety is an important sustainable development issue, it is yet relatively underappreciated and greatly underfunded. Recognizing the need to support Member
- English
Road safety is an important sustainable development goal, yet relatively underappreciated and greatly underfunded. Every year, more than 1.2 million people die and another 50 million are injured in road traffic accidents around the world. Approximately 90% of all road accidents occur in low- and middle-income countries.Recognizing the need to support member States in urgently and effectively
- English
Road safety is an important sustainable development goal, yet relatively underappreciated and greatly underfunded. Every year, more than 1.2 million people die and another 50 million are injured in road traffic accidents around the world. Approximately 90% of all road accidents occur in low- and middle-income countries.Recognizing the need to support member States in urgently and effectively
- English
Video Highlights Annual Report 2017English
- English
Since 2010, the ECE has been undertaking demand-driven national studies of regulatory and procedural barriers to trade, with a view to: helping countries achieve greater regional and global economic integration; informing donors as to where assistance might be required; and supporting policy discussions within the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards (previously, the Committee on
- 汉语
- English
The Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation builds on the data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators. Representing a joint position from the United Nations family, the report offers guidance to understanding global progress on SDG 6 and its
- English
During recent decades governments all around the world were faced with a complicated set of options for investing in transport, including transport infrastructure. This publication examines main principles for determining the most appropriate models for financing transport infrastructure expenditures but also illustrates and analyses many innovative ways to finance transport infrastructure.
- English
The present publication (download here) concerns intermodal transport, with a particular focus on the role of railways in intermodality and the importance of transport documents computerisation for intermodal transport. The publication is divided in three main parts: a first section discusses the intermodality and the role of
- English
This Guide (ECE/TRADE/441) is a practical tool to help trainers in the preparation, delivery and follow up to a set of training workshops.   Both this guide and the workshop materials have been prepared by the UNECE Secretariat, with the support of subject matter experts as well as training experts. All training materials can be made
- English
This Publication (ECE/TRADE/440) advocates for integrating education about standardization into the curricula of educational establishments. It presents evidence of the relevance of standards for policymakers and business executives as well as professionals. It then reviews the efforts of UNECE since 2012 to date to improve education about
- English
Brochure on Trans-European Motorways (TEM) ProjectThis brochure gives an overview of the TEM project, its objectives, organization and how to join it.