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Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 149

- Français
Lors de sa quatre-vingt-cinquième session, en septembre 2022, le Forum mondial de la sécurité routière (WP.1) a adopté une résolution sur les questions de sécurité relatives aux activités autres que la conduite auxquelles se livre le conducteur lorsqu’un système de conduite automatisé émettant des demandes de transition assure le contrôle dynamique du véhicule (
- English
At its eighty-fifth session in September 2022, WP.1 adopted a resolution on safety considerations for activities other than driving undertaken by drivers when automated driving systems issuing transition demands exercise dynamic control (ECE/TRANS/WP.1/2021/2
- Français
Étude sur le rôle des chemins de fer pendans la pandémie et sur la manière dont ils peuvent contribuer à la reprise post-pandémique. Cette étude recense les bonnes pratiques des États membres et explique ce qui peut être fait pour faciliter la reprise du secteur et encourager les voyageurs à reprendre les transports de manière plus durable.
- English
Study on role of the railways during the pandemic and how they can assist in the postpandemic recovery. The study identifies good practices within member States and provides information on how to facilitate the recovery of the railways in order to encourage passengers back to transport in a more sustainable manner.
- Pусский
Анализ эффективности автомобильных, железнодорожных, внутренних водных и интермодальных транспортных систем Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН) при поддержке Экономической и социальной комиссии для Западной Азии (ЭСКЗА) и Экономической комиссии для Латинской
- Français
Appréhender la performance des systèmes de transport routier, ferroviaire, fluvial et intermodal La Commission économique pour l’Europe (CEE), avec le soutien de la Commission économique et sociale pour l’Asie occidentale (CESAO) et de la Commission économique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes
- English
Understanding the performance of road, rail, inland waterway, and inter-modal transport systems The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- English
The revised fourth edition of the Blue Book continues to provide precise information about the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) as serviced by the ECE Sustainable Transport  Division: on its history, its administrative and legal framework as a guide for users, and on the three Agreements. WP.29 administers the three major international United
- English
The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) was formally established in July 1947. For 75 years, ITC has provided a platform for intergovernmental cooperation to facilitate and develop international transport while simultaneously improving its safety and environmental performance. The main results of this critical work are reflected in the 59
- English
The Framework on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (FDAV), developed at the intergovernmental level, forms a novel initiative aimed at harmonizing globally automated driving regulations and creating a more productive environment for innovation. Since the establishment of GRVA, the Working Party has created a global scheme to develop requirements and guidelines for automated and
- Pусский
Эта брошюра по Конвенции, имеющей преимущественную силу в вопросах выдачи/использования национальных водительских удостоверений (НВУ) и международных водительских удостоверений (МВУ) была одобрена WP.1 на своей восемьдесят второй сессии в марте 2021 года.
- English
The information contained in this brochure on a Charter of Road Traffic Victims’ Rights which is the joint initiative of the WP.1 secretariat, the Institute for European Traffic Law and the Council of Bureaux was welcomed and supported by WP.1 at its eighty-second session in March 2021.
- Français
Cette brochure sur la Convention en vigueur pour la délivrance/utilisation des permis de conduire nationaux (DDP) et internationaux (IDP) a été approuvée par le WP.1 lors de sa quatre-vingt-deuxième session en mars 2021.
- English
This brochure on the Prevailing Convention for the issue/use of Domestic Driving Permits (DDPs) and International Driving Permits (IDPs) was endorsed by WP.1 at its eighty-second session in March 2021.
- English
This Handbook for national master plans for freight transport and logistics has been elaborated with the aim to showcase the importance of the freight sector for the national economic development, and more importantly to assist national authorities in charge of freight transport and logistics with potential actions in accompanying the sector development to follow a sustainable path in support of
- Pусский
Данное руководство по подготовке национальных генеральных планов в области грузовых перевозок и логистики было разработано с целью продемонстрировать значение сектора грузовых перевозок для национального экономического развития и, что еще важнее, с целью предоставить национальным органам, отвечающим за грузовые перевозки и логистику, информацию о возможных действиях, направляющих развитие этого
- Français
Le Manuel pour l'élaboration de plans directeurs nationaux sur le transport de marchandises et la logistique a été élaboré en vue de montrer l'importance du secteur du fret pour le développement économique national et, surtout, d'aider les autorités nationales responsables du transport de marchandises et de la logistique à accompagner le développement du secteur sur une voie durable favorable au
- Pусский
Проведение мероприятий, связанных с правилами в области транспортных средств, показало, что благодаря присоединению к Cоглашению 1998 года уровень безопасности транспортных средств значительно повысится. Однако основным вопросом для многих стран является подготовка к присоединению к Соглашению и его осуществлению, с тем чтобы они могли извлечь пользу из положений, предусматривающих
- English
The implementation of vehicle regulations related activities demonstrated that, through accession to and implementation of the 1998 Agreement, vehicles safety will be increased considerably. However, the main issue for many countries remains how to prepare for accession and implementation of this Agreement so that they can benefit from its provisions, ensuring that safer and less polluting
- English
In April 2020, a UN Task Force was set up to develop recommendations for green and healthy sustainable transport to assist member States in the post COVID-19 recovery.  Bringing together over 50 experts from member States, international institutions, academia, public transport operators and industry experts, the Task Force set up under the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme