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Displaying Results 81 - 100 of 140

- English
This is the second EPR of Serbia published by the UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Serbia in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2002, when the country was part of Yugoslavia. While looking closely at the implementation of the recommendations of the first review, the report also covers seven issues of importance to Serbia concerning
- English
This is the second EPR of Ukraine published by the UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Ukraine in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 1999. While looking closely at the implementation of the recommendations of the first review, the report also covers 10 issues of importance to Ukraine concerning policymaking, planning and implementation;
- English
This is the second EPR of Montenegro published by the UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Montenegro in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2002, when the country was part of Yugoslavia. While looking closely at the implementation of the recommendations of the first review, the report also covers seven issues of importance to Montenegro
- English
This publication examines a view that is quite common among low-income countries:  stringent environmental protection is a constraint on economic growth, because the associated costs reduce international competitiveness. English, Russian
- English
This report focuses on the progress achieved by countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) and South-Eastern Europe (SEE) reviewed by the Environmental Performance Review (EPR) Programme. English French,
- English
This is the second EPR of Belarus published by ECE. The report details the progress made by Belarus in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 1997, in particular in the implementation of the recommendations of the first review. It also covers eight issues of importance to Belarus, concerning policy-making, planning and implementation; the financing of
- Pусский
Доступно на английском, французском и русском языках.(ECE/CP.TEIA/13, 36 стр.) Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2005 г.Документ содержит основные сведения о системе уведомления о промышленных авариях ЕЭК ООН и описание его стандартных отчетов. СодержаниеПредисловие Основная информация Описание стандартных сообщений
- Français
Disponible en anglais, français et russe.(ECE/CP.TEIA/1, 36 pp.) New York et Genève, 2005 Le document contient les informations de base sur le système de notification des accidents industriels de la CEE et la description de ses avis types.Table de matièresPréface Informations de base Description des avis
- English
Available in English, French and Russian.(ECE/CP.TEIA/13, 36 pp.)New York & Geneva 2005 The document contains the basic information about the UNECE Industrial Accidents Notification System and the description of its standard reports.ContentsPrefaceBasic informationDescription of standard reportsFunctions
- English
This is the second EPR of Republic of Moldova published by ECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 1998, in particular in the implementation of the recommendations of the first review. It also covers eight issues of importance to the Republic of Moldova, concerning policy-
- English
This is the first EPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The report covers twelve issues of importance to Bosnia and Herzegovina, divided into three sections, including the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among the issues receiving special attention during the reviews were the policy, legal and institutional
- English
This is the first EPR of Tajikistan published by ECE. The report covers twelve issues of importance to Tajikistan, concerning the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among the issues receiving special attention during the reviews were poverty, environment and economy; the policy, legal and institutional
- Pусский
Имеющиеся здесь на английском, французском и русском языках (каждый язык 24 стр.).Печатная версия:Доступно на английском, французском и русском языках вместе.(ECE/MP.WAT/11, 50 стр.)Нью-Йорк и Женева,
- Français
Disponible ici en anglais, français et russe (chaque langue 24 pp.).Version imprimée: Disponible en anglais, français et russe ensemble.(ECE/MP.WAT/11, 50 pp.) New York & Genève, 2004
- English
Available here in English, French and Russian (each 24 pp.).Printed version: Available in English, French and Russian together.(ECE/MP.WAT/11, 50 pp.) New York & Geneva, 2004
- English
This is the first EPR of Georgia. Special attention was given during the reviews to the quality, use and supply of water resources, including drinking water, air and waste management, economic instruments, international cooperation, integration of environmental consideration into economic development, the policy framework, the implementation of national and international legislation,
- English
The publication is about the first EPR of Azerbaijan. The report covers twelve issues of importance to Azerbaijan, divided into three sections, including the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among the issues receiving special attention during the reviews were the policy, legal and institutional
- Pусский
инуло 10 лет с того времени, когда ЕЭК ООН получила мандат на проведение обзоров результативности экологической деятельности. Проведенный ЕЭК ООН анализ, содержащийся в настоящей публикации, призван отметить это десятилетие, оценить достигнутый прогресс и предложить для этой программы ориентиры на будущее.  
- Français
Il y a 10 ans, la CEE se voyait attribuer la tâche d’entreprendre des études de performance envi­ronnementale. Pour marquer la décennie écoulée, évaluer les progrès accomplis et proposer les nouvelles orientations du programme, elle a entrepris l’analyse qui est reproduite dans la présente publication.
- English
Ten years have passed since UNECE received its mandate to undertake Environmental Performance Reviews. To mark the decade, assess progress and propose the Programme’s future direction, UNECE undertook the analysis contained in this publication.