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- English
The fifth United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation, jointly conducted by the five United Nations Regional Commissions and UNCTAD, offers an in-depth and comparative analysis of the implementation of 60 trade facilitation measures in over 160 countries worldwide in 2023. Aside from measures in the WTO TFA, the survey covers the implementation of cutting-edge
- English
The textile industry has evolved from a production model based on natural fibres and protectionist policies for local industry to a model where synthetic fibres have become pervasive, production has been offshored, and the speed of manufacture and distribution of products has increased rapidly. Most of the fashion industry operates under the fast-fashion model, which involves more collections per
- English
This policy paper reviews the state of play of traceability and transparency approaches in three economic sectors critical to the circular transition in the ECE region: the agrifood, garment and footwear, and minerals sectors. Moreover, it provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities for advancing the circular economy and highlights successful practices from the whole region. Lastly,
- English
This report is part of a global survey effort on the implementation of trade facilitation and paperless trade measures, undertaken jointly by the five United Nations Regional Commissions for Africa (ECA), Europe (ECE), Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and West Asia (ESCWA) as well as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This report