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Informal document No. 13 (2003)
(English and French only)

Activities and Developments in Combined Transport of interest to the Working Party
Other organizations
Transmitted by the International Union of Railways

Informal document No. 12 (2003)
(Fançais seulement)

Rôle des Chemins de Fer dans la Promotion du Transport Combine
Transmis par le Président

Informal document No. 11 (2003)
European Agreement on Important International Combined
Transport Lines And Related Installations (Agtc)
Status of Amendments Proposed to The Agtc Agreement
Activities And Developments In Combined Transport
of Interest to The Working Party
Subsidiary Bodies of The Inland Transport Committee

Informal document No. 10 (2003)
Activities And Developments in Combined Transport
of Interest to The Working Party
Subsidiary Bodies of The Inland Transport Committee (Itc)
Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (Seci)

Informal document No. 9 (2003)
Map Hungary
Activities And Developments in Combined Transport
of Interest to The Working Party
New Developments in The Field of Combined
Transport in Unece Member Countries
Transmitted By The Government of Hungary

Informal document No. 8 (2003)
Activities And Developments in Combined Transport
of Interest to the Working Party
New Developments in The Field of Combined
Transport in Unece Member Countries
Transmitted by The Government of Romania

Informal document No. 7 (2003)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries of UNECE
bodies and other Organizations of interest to the Working Party
Transmitted by the Government of Germany

Informal document No. 6 (2003)
(English only)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
New developments in the field of
combined transport in UNECE member countries
Transmitted by the Government of Poland
39. session (14-15 April 2003)

Informal document No. 4 (2003)
(French only)
Role of Railways in the Promotion of Combined Transport Transmitted by the GETC
39. session (14-15 April 2003)

Informal document No. 3 (2003)
Role of Railways in the Promotion of Combined Transport Transmitted by the Swiss Government
39. session (14-15 April 2003)

Informal document No. 2 (2003)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
New developments in the field of
combined transport in UNECE member countries
New developments in the field of
combined transport in Hungary 2002-2003
Transmitted by the Government of Hungary
39. session (14-15 April 2003)

Informal document No. 1 (2003)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
New developments in the field of combined transport in UNECE member countries
Transmitted by Modalohr, France
39. session (14-15 April 2003)

Informal document No. 14 (2002)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
New developments in the field of combined transport in Hungary 2001-2002
Transmitted by the Government of Hungary
38. session (7-9 October 2002)
Informal document No. 12 (2002)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
New developments in the field of combined transport in UNECE member countries
Development of Combined Transport by the Polish State Railways
Transmitted by the Government of Poland
38. session (7-9 October 2002)
Informal document No. 11 (2002)
Activities and developments in UNECE member countries, of UNECE bodies and other organizations of interest to the Working Party
Combined transport instrument box
Transmitted by the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics, Bremen
38. session (7-9 October 2002)
Informal document No. 10 (2002)
Role of Railways in the Promotion of Combined Transport
Proposals of the two informal ad hoc expert groups established by the Working Party for amendments of the AGTC Agreement
Note by the secretariat
38. session (7-9 October 2002)
