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Partnership on Healthy Active Mobility

(previously, Partnership on Cycling Promotion)

In the Vienna Declaration on Transport, Health and Environment, in 2021, ministers decided to extend the focus of the previous partnership on cycling to walking and other forms of active mobility, making it a Partnership on Active Mobility. Further, ministers decided to develop a pan-European master plan on active mobility, which would include guidelines and tools.

In 2023,in the Declaration of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, extended the Partnership to include health under the European Environment and Health Process (EHP), making it THE PEP/EHP Partnership on Healthy Active Mobility.

Objective and scope

  • Support the implementation of the pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
  • Develop a pan-European Master Plan on Active Mobility, which would include guidelines and tools

More detailed objectives

  • Intensify and strengthen the efforts of the Partnership by actively involving member States, ECF, UNECE, WHO/Europe, international financing institutions, and relevant stakeholder
  • Continue to share good practices among partners and stakeholders
  • Monitor the implementation of the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
  • Seek to expand the geographical scope of the partnership to include countries that have not been involved in the past
  • Expand the scope of work to include walking and the entire range of active mobility
  • Support the design and establish a Pan-European Competence Centre for Active Mobility to support the implementation of the Pan-European Master Plan
  • Support the countries to facilitate the development of national cycling and walking plans, strategies, and transnational cooperation projects in the pan-European region.
  • Organize funding workshops with representatives of the various financial institutions
  • Support the elaboration of the Infrastructure Module for the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion

Partners and target groups

As of October 2021, a total of 30 member States and the European Cyclists’ Federation, the cycling industry actively participated in the partnership.

THE PEP Partnership is addressing the following target groups:

  • Member States (National cycling and walking officers and/or National Cycling / Walking Representatives nominated by the member states)
  • European Cyclists Federation ECF & Walk21
  • International financing institutions
  • European Commission
  • European Bicycle Manufacturers Association
  • Other relevant international organizations

If you are interested to join forces in sustainable tourism mobility please get in touch with Andreas Friedwagner, who is coordinating the work of the partnership on behalf of the Austrian ministries.

  • Andreas Friedwagner: a.friedwagner[at]  I +43 664 2412924

Resource materials under the Partnership

Meetings under the Partnership