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UN Global Road Safety Week 2020 

UN Global Road Safety Week 2021 #SlowDownChallenge Speed kills.  

A child hit by a car at 30 km/h (20 mph) can survive. Hit at 80 km/h (50 mph), most will die. 

“Streets for Life” is the slogan chosen for the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) to be launched this 17 May 2021, to call for 30 km/h (20 mph) speed limits to be the norm for cities, towns and villages worldwide. The Week will also officially launch the second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, proclaimed in the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 74/299, with the target to halve road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030.   Hundreds of activities are planned this week (17-23 May) and hosted by government ministries, UN agencies, civil society organizations, and private companies. 

UNRSF has joined the global campaign with several activities:  a social media campaign, sharing voices from the field (UNRSF projects); UN Info podcast on road safety with the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt; The #SlowDownChallenge on social media promoting walking, cycling or swimming during the week, in coordination with the EU.   

UNRSF implementing partners also took action during that week such as the UNESCWA Regional Workshop on Road Safety in the Arab countries. Info, Twitter, FB , Instagram The UN Global Road Safety Week campaign is coordinated by the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC), chaired by WHO, in collaboration this year with FIA Foundation.