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Transport Statistics Infocards

The Working Party on Transport Statistics (WP.6) continues to provide key data to inform the Inland Transport Committee, other Working Parties and individual member States on inland transport trends. Since 2017 the secretariat has prepared country profiles (Infocards) showing key transport indicators for each member State. The data contained in these Infocards are based on information from the UNECE transport statistics database available online, submitted by member States. For September 2021 onwards, this product has been modernised from PDF format towards an interactive data dashboard.

The new dashboard can be viewed at

Users can directly access specific country infocards through the following pages:

Transport Statistics infocards country links (English)

Transport Statistics infocards country links (French)

Transport Statistics infocards country links (Russian)


Earlier PDF Publications

Previous editions

2021 (EN/FR/RU)
2019 (EN / FR / RU)
2018 (EN / FR / RU)
2017 (EN / FR / RU)