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Workshop on selected issues from the National Road Safety Strategy in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 5 October 2022

Workshop on selected issues from the National Road Safety Strategy in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 5 October 2022

05 October 2022 9:00 - 18:00
Tbilisi Georgia

UNECE is a custodian of wide range of transport-related legal instruments, norms, standards and recommendations which will, if implemented efficiently, assist Member States in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For road safety related targets especially, legal instruments developed under the UNECE auspices have assisted many countries in developing and enforcing traffic rules and measures and improving road safety management system; producing safe road vehicles; reducing the risk during the transport of dangerous goods and hazardous materials; and ensuring that only safe and well-maintained vehicles and competent drivers can participate in traffic.
 The World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations Specialised Agency for Public Health. In 2004, WHO, in conjunction with the Regional Commissions, was tasked with coordinating road safety, within the UN system. WHO’s primary objective is to support member states adopt and implement a “safe systems” approach to road safety. This is achieved though the development of technical and normative guidance, sectoral and disciplinary road safety capacity development, research and advocacy.
 In July 2022 Georgia adopted the new National Road Safety Strategy. During the preparation of the strategy experts identified a number of pressing issues which should be addressed, subject to analysis of potential results and resources required for its implementation. Having in mind previous fruitful cooperation in road safety, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia (MoESD) asked UNECE to provide analysis and experts’ advice for three important road safety topics: safety belt use on rear seats, use of child restraint systems and speed management, especially in urban areas. The report was provided to MoESD in July 2022 and during this workshop results of the report will be presented.
 The aim of the workshop is to strengthen knowledge of Georgian experts on international legal instruments and best practices on use of safety belts on rear seats, child restraint system and speed management. It will help national stakeholders to update the National Road Safety Strategy and related action plans to be in full conformity with international best practice. The workshop will build capacity on how these road safety aspects influence the basic road safety indicators, identify tools and instruments for the improvement of the current situation and give recommendations on their implementation in Georgia. The main findings and recommendations of the report and potential benefits of the implementation of the above-mentioned road safety measures will be presented.


33895 _ Agenda _ 371585 _ English _ 773 _ 364767 _ pdf