UNECE WP.6 Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM) is holding a three-day face-to-face meeting to discuss approaches for managing risks in regulatory systems that would support member countries in moving forward on the SDG’s of the United Nations while building upon the ongoing work of GRM.
Downloads: Agenda Presentations (18.6 MB) List of participants Report
Background documents:
- Information on GRM and the meeting background
- Sustainable Development Goal No. 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
Brief overview and introduction to UNECE GRM Group
Mr. Kevin W. Knight, Chairman of UNECE GRM Group and Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Head of Regulatory Cooperation Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Risk Management for United Nations Global Compact's Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Roland Cormier, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Germany and Mr. Markus Krebsz, Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA), UK
ISO 31000:2009, IEC/ISO 31010:2009 & ISO Guide 73:2009 International Standards for the Management of Risk
Mr. Kevin W. Knight, Chairman of UNECE GRM Group
Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks
Mr. Justin McCarthy, Chair, Global Board of Directors, Professional Risk Managers' International Association
Risk management in Regulatory frameworks
Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Head of Regulatory Cooperation Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
DAPSI (W) R(M), SDG14 Targets, MSFD vs. MSPD, RA & RM and BT Analysis!
Prof. Mike Elliott, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS), University of Hull, Hull, UK
Risk Assessment in Ecosystem Approaches to Marine Management
Mr. Christopher Kelble, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, USA
Vocabulary in Fishery approaches to Management
Mr. Michel Comeau, DFO, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Including social and cultural aspects in regulatory standards for SDG 14 and marine planning
Mr. Andreas Kannen, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Germany
Global Trade and Technical Standards in Seafood
Mr. Grimur Valdimarsson, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Industries and Innovation, Iceland
Scottish Marine Planning process: Regulatory approaches to implementation
Mr. Andronikos Kafas, Marine Renewable Energy Scientist, Marine Scotland, the Scottish Government, Scotland, UK
Stakeholder Involvement in Regulatory Decision Making and Cost Benefit Analysis
Mr. Andrew Minkiewicz, Partner at Kelley Drye & Warren
Sustainable Development Goals and Regulation: Go after the biggest risks … which are often poor governance
Mr. Simon Webb, Nichols, UK
Technical Standards in support of Risk Management Approach to Goal 14
Mr. Roland Cormier, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Germany
The Universal Conduct Risk Paradigm (UCRP)
Mr. Markus Krebsz, Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA), UK
Fisheries management in Uganda and Namibia
Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Head of Regulatory Cooperation Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe