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Part 4. UN/EDIFACT Rules - Chapter 2.2 Syntax Rules - Annex B

ANNEX B (Normative)


The full description of the data elements in the service segments is part of ISO 7372


Trade Data Elements Directory (UNTDED).


Ref.   The numeric reference tag for the data element as
       stated in ISO 7372/UNTDED and, when preceded by S,
       reference for a composite data element used in service

Name   Name of COMPOSITE DATA ELEMENT in capital letters
       Name of DATA ELEMENT in capital letters
       Name of Component data element in small letters

Repr.  Data value representation:
       a       alphabetic characters
       n       numeric characters
       an      alpha-numeric characters
       a3      3 alphabetic characters, fixed length
       n3      3 numeric characters, fixed length
       an3     3 alpha-numeric characters, fixed length
       a..3    up to 3 alphabetic characters
       n..3    up to 3 numeric characters
       an..3   up to 3 alpha-numeric characters

       M       Mandatory element
       C       Conditional element.

       Note that a mandatory component data element in a conditional
       composite data element must appear when the composite data
       element is used

Remarks IA    Interchange Agreement between interchanging partners


UNA, Service String advice

Function: To define the characters selected for use as delimiters and
          indicators in the rest of the interchange that follows:

 The specifications in the Service string advice take precedence over
the specifications for delimiters etc. in segment UNB. See clause 4.

 When transmitted, the Service string advice must appear immediately
before the Interchange Header (UNB) segment and begin with the upper
case characters UNA immediately followed by the six characters
selected by the sender to indicate, in sequence, the following functions:


 Repr.        Name                   Remarks

 an1    M     COMPONENT DATA
an1    M     DECIMAL NOTATION       Comma or full stop
an1    M     RELEASE INDICATOR      If not used, insert
                                     space character
an1    M     Reserved for future    Insert space character


Segment: UNB, Interchange Header

 Function: To start, identify and specify an interchange

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                    Remarks

 S001           M   SYNTAX IDENTIFIER
0001   a4      M   Syntax identifier      a3, upper case
                                           Controlling Agency (e.g.
                                           UNO=UN/ECE) and a1 stating
                                           level (e.g. A)  (which
                                           together give UNOA)
0002   n1      M   Syntax version number  Increments 1 for each new
                                           version. Shall be 2 to
                                           indicate this version

 S002           M   INTERCHANGE SENDER
0004   an..35  M   Sender identification  Code or name as specified
                                           in IA
0007   an..4   C   Partner identification Used with sender
                    code qualifier         identification code
0008   an..14  C   Address for reverse

0010   an..35  M   Recipient Identification  Code or name as
                                              specified in IA
0007   an..4   C   Partner identification    Used with recipient
                    code qualifier            identification code
0014   an..14  C   Routing address           If used, normally coded
                                              sub-address for onward

0017   n6      M   Date                      YYMMDD
0019   n4      M   Time                      HHMM

 0020   an..14  M  INTERCHANGE CONTROL        Unique reference
                   REFERENCE                  assigned by sender

0022   an..14  M   Recipient's reference/  As specified in IA. May
                    password                be password to
                                            recipient's system or to
                                            third party network
0025   an2     C   Recipient's reference/  If specified in IA
                    password qualifier

 0026   an..14  C   APPLICATION REFERENCE     Optionally message
                                              identification if the
                                              interchange contains
                                              only one type of

  0029   a1      C   PROCESSING PRIORITY CODE  Used if specified in

 0031   n1      C   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUEST   Set = 1 if sender
                                              acknowledgement, i.e.
                                              UNB and UNZ
                                              segments received
                                              and identified

 0032   an..35  C   COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT  If used, to identify
                    ID                        type of communication
                                              agreement controlling
                                              the interchange,
                                              e.g. Customs or ECE
                                              agreement. Code or
                                              name as specified in

 0035   n1      C   TEST INDICATOR            Set = 1 if the
                                              interchange is a test.
                                              Otherwise not used

Segment: UNZ, Interchange Trailer

 Function: To end and check the completeness of an interchange

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                         Remarks

 0036   n..6    M   INTERCHANGE CONTROL COUNT The count of the number
                                              of messages or, if
                                              used, the number of
                                              functional groups in
                                              the interchange.
                                              One of these counts
                                              shall appear.

 0020   an..14  M   INTERCHANGE CONTROL        Shall be identical to
                    REFERENCE                  0020 in UNB


 Segment: UNG, Functional Group Header

 Function: To head, identify and specify a Functional Group

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                      Remarks

 0038   an..6   M   FUNCTIONAL GROUP        Identifies the one
                    IDENTIFICATION          message type in the
                                            functional group

 S006           M   APPLICATION SENDER'S
0040   an..35  M   Application sender's    Code or name identifying
                    identification          the division, department
                                            etc. within the
                                            originating sender's
0007   an..4   C   Partner identification  May be used if sender
                    code qualifier          identification is a code

0044   an..35  M   Recipient's               Code or name
                    identification            identifying
                                              the division,department
                                              etc. within the
                                              recipients organization
                                              for which the group of
                                              messages is intended
0007   an..4   C   Recipients                May be used if
                    identification qualifer   recipient
                                              identification is
                                              a code

0017   n6      M   Date                         YYMMDD
0019   n4      M   Time                         HHMM

 0048   an..14  M   FUNCTIONAL GROUP REFERENCE  Unique reference
                    NUMBER                      number assigned
                                                by sender's
                                                division, department

 0051   an..2   M   CONTROLLING AGENCY        Code to identify the
                                              agency controlling the
                                              maintenance and
                                              publication of the
                                              message type

 S008           M   MESSAGE VERSION
0052   an..3   M   Message version number    Version number of the
                                              message type the
                                              functional group
0054   an..3   M   Message release number    Release number within
                                              current version number
0057   an..6   C   Association assigned Code A code assigned by the
                                              association responsible
                                              for the design and
                                              maintenance of the type
                                              of message concerned

 0058   an..14  C   APPLICATION PASSWORD      Password to recepient's
                                              division, department or
                                              sectional system (if


 Segment: UNE, Functional Group Trailer

 Function: To end and check the completeness of a Functional Group

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                      Remarks

 0060   n..6    M   NUMBER OF MESSAGES        The count of the number
                                              of messages in the
                                              functional group

 0048   an..14  M   FUNCTIONAL GROUP          Shall be identical to
                    REFERENCE NUMBER          0048 in UNG


 Segment: UNH, Message Header

 Function: To head, identify and specify a Message

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                         Remarks

 0062   an..14  M   MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER   A sender's unique
                                               message reference

 S009           M   MESSAGE IDENTIFIER
0065   an..6   M   Message type              Type of message being
0052   an..3   M   Message version number    Version number of the
                                              message type. If UNG is
                                              used, 0052 shall be
0054   an..3   M   Message release number    Release number within
                                              current version number
0051   an..2   M   Controlling agency        Code to identify the
                                              agency controlling the
                                              maintenance and
                                              publication of the
                                              message type
0057   an..6   C   Association assigned      A code assigned
                    code                      by the association
                                              responsible for the
                                              design and maintenance
                                              of the message type

 0068   an..35  C   COMMON ACCESS REFERENCE  Key to relate all
                                             subsequent transfers of
                                             data to the same
                                             business case of
                                             file. Within the
                                             35 characters the
                                             IA may specify
                                             component elements

 S010           C   STATUS OF THE TRANSFER
0070   n..2    M   Sequence of transfers      Starts at 1 and is
                                               incremented by 1 for
                                               each transfer
0073   a1      C   First and last transfer    C = Creation, must be
                                               present for first
                                               transfer if more than
                                               one foreseen
                                               F = Final, must be
                                               present for last

 *) Not required if provided in UNG


 Segment: UNT, Message Trailer

 Function: To end and check the completeness of a Message

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                       Remarks

 0074   n..6    M   NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN THE  Control count
                    MESSAGE                    including UNH and UNT

 0062   an..14  M   MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER   Shall be identical to
                                               0062 in UNH


 Segment: TXT, Text


 Function: To give information in addition to that in other segments
in the service message, as required

 NOTE: Can not be machine processed. Should be avoided if not
necessarily required. Normally a conditional segment. It may repeat
up to the number of times indicated in the message specification
which may not be higher than 5.

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                       Remarks

 0077   an3     C   TEXT REFERENCE CODE        Qualifies and
                                               identifies the
                                               purpose and function
                                               of the segment
                                               if indicated in the
                                               message specification

 0078   an..70  M   FREE FORM TEXT          Not machine-processable



 Segment: UNS, Section Control
Function: To separate Header, Detail and Summary sections of a

 NOTE:   To be used by message designers when required to avoid
ambiguities. Mandatory only if specified for the type of message

 Ref.   Repr.       Name                       Remarks

 0081   a1      M   SECTION IDENTIFICATION     Separates sections in
                                               a message by one of
                                               the following codes:
                                               D separates the header
                                               and detail sections
                                               S separates the detail
                                               and summary sections