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Single Window Repository - Countries Experiences (2007-2012)

Following the release of the Recommendation and Guidelines on Establishing a Single Window, numerous countries approached UNECE with requests for information and support in planning and implementing their Single Window initiatives. The Repository of Single Window implementation was established in response to these requests.

The Repository offers case studies from countries that have already operational, or soon to be operational, Single Windows. When it was launched in 2007, the Repository contained case studies from 12 countries. In 2009-2010, the majority of these studies were updated and also new studies have been added.

Such countries' experiences are presented below and reproduced in the form in which they were received by the Secretariat. 

  • Singapore (ENG), (RUS)
  • Republic of Korea (Customs) (ENG), (RUS)

Survey on the use of electronic documents at SW facilities in selected countries:

UNECE hopes that the information provided here will be beneficial to the reader and invites other operators to help expand our Repository by contacting the secretariat and sharing their experiences of a Single Window.

UNECE hopes that the information provided here will be beneficial to the reader and invites other operators to help expand our Repository by contacting the secretariat and sharing their experiences of a Single Window.

For further information please send your query to [email protected]