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START-Ed initiative meeting

Regular meeting

12 November 2024 14:00 - 16:00


WP.6 recommends Governments to encourage education establishments to introduce standardization into their curricula and particularly within universities for students studying law, economics and management.

WP.6 established the initiative on Education on standardization (START-Ed) at its twenty-second session in November 2012. This initiative groups together experts from academia to promote good practices and to share national experience.

START-Ed Group has elaborated a model programme on education on standardization and relevant teaching materials; a number of universities in the UNECE region already used these tools and have started teaching standardization to their students.

During the regular meetings of the initiative there are invited guest speakers from academic institutions elaborating on their work and discussing and progressing START-Ed work items. All WP.6 START-Ed members and interested experts are welcome to join these meetings.


Draft Agenda



Agenda item



14:00 – 14:02

Welcome and approval of the agenda

WP.6 Secretariat

Tauno Kangur


14:02 – 14:07

Reminder or WP.6 procedures

WP.6 Secretariat


14:07 – 14:37

Invited guest speaker: Prof. Vladislav Fomin [Bio & PPT] (Vilnius University) – 30 minutes (15 minutes presentation followed by discussion / QA)

Prof. Vladislav Fomin,


4 14:37 – 15:07 Invited guest speaker: Prof. Sandra Feliciano [PPT] (Porto Polytechnic) – 30 minutes (15 minutes presentation followed by discussion / QA) Prof. Sandra Feliciano, participants
5 15:07 – 15:37

Invited guest speaker: Prof. Philippe le Coustumer [Bio & PPT] (Université de Bordeaux, expert AFNOR/ISO) – 30 minutes (15 minutes presentation followed by discussion / QA)

Prof. Philippe le Coustumer, participants


15:37 – 15:52

Future activities of START-Ed

Coordinator, Secretariat, meeting participants


15:52 – 15:57

Any other business





Next meeting