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40th UN/CEFACT Forum: Lunch and Learn - How to Respond to ESG Challenges

10 May 2023 12:45 - 13:45
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Deforestation, recycling, waste reduction, carbon reduction, and labor standards are among the many ESG challenges faced by businesses operating in cross-border supply chains. The implementation of ESG regulations requires new trade procedures. However, varying regulatory and technological approaches to ESG regulations worldwide have led to whole-of-supply-chain reporting and information requirements for the private sector. To ensure that these new procedures and technologies are implemented in the least trade-restrictive and most effective manner, it is essential to leverage tested trade facilitation approaches, solutions, and standards.

ESG claims made by companies need to be verifiable and trusted, and there is a need for conformity assessment data to provide trust anchors in digital supply chains and facilitate the traceability of ESG regulations and claims. Accessing product conformity information at its source, digitally linked to both the physical product supply and the issuing body's credentials, is vital.

By using standards and data models, companies can streamline their compliance with ESG regulations, reduce the costs and risks associated with reporting, and improve their reputation and competitiveness in the marketplace. Additionally, these tools can help regulators monitor and enforce ESG regulations, promoting transparency and accountability across the supply chain.

The upcoming learn and lunch session will showcase recent UN/CEFACT activities and outputs that support industry and regulators in implementing ESG regulations. This session aims to promote cross-domain learning on how UN/CEFACT's work can contribute to achieving ESG objectives. Attendees will learn about the latest developments in the field and gain insights into how they can leverage standards and data models to support their ESG initiatives.

  • Presentation of the Team of Specialists (ToS) on ESG traceability in sustainable value chains
    Speaker: Maria Teresa Pisani, Secretary, ToS on ESG traceability
  • Adapting the BSP model to sustainability objectives on adapting data modelling to track and trace
    Speaker: Gerhard Heemskerk, expert, UN/CEFACT
  • Multi-Modal integrated track and trace
    Speaker: Hanane Becha, Vice Chair, UN/CEFACT
  • Using digital product data for ESG objectives
    Speaker: Brett Hyland, Project Lead – Digital Product Conformity Certificate Exchange, UN/CEFACT
  • How to respond to ESG Challenges for Cross-Border Sustainable Trade  PPT