Languages and translations
File type1
Policy Paper Presentation - Enhancing Traceability of Products 6 October as of 5-23p.m.pdf (application/pdf, 14.16 MB)
File type2
2. Christian Hudson - Incentives for improving traceability and ESG monitoring in global value chains.pdf (application/pdf, 2.84 MB)
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3. Nick McInnes - Environmental societal and governance traceability.pdf (application/pdf, 142.08 KB)
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4. Hari Tulsidas Minerals Transparency and Traceability_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.25 MB)
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5. Susanna Horn - Traceability, circularity and sustainability_0.pdf (application/pdf, 784.32 KB)
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6. Vivek Sadevra - Transformative Pathways to Sustainability and Circularity_0.pdf (application/pdf, 3.49 MB)
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7. Eva Kindgren de Boer - Kappahl_0.pdf (application/pdf, 306.35 KB)
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8. Anna Stanley-Radière - Net-zero carbon emissions targets in value chains_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.64 MB)
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9. Sue Probert Net zero - UNCEFACT Supply Chain Cross-Industry Track & Trace.pdf (application/pdf, 429.71 KB)
File type2
2022.10.06 - ICS ITC Transparency & Traceability Project - UNECE Workshop.pdf (application/pdf, 1.66 MB)