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Methane Mondays - 2nd Meeting

08 October 2021 15:00 - 17:00
Geneva Switzerland
Methane Monday


The second session of the Methane Mondays series is titled: “The impact of methane emitted from coal seams on the state of the atmosphere and the real possibilities of its capture and utilization.”

The event started with presentation on sources of methane emission in underground coal mines. Then the audience listened about the environmental impact of CMM. After that, the focused shifted to real possibilities of capturing and utilization of methane from coal mines. The first part of the session ended with a presentation analysing activities aiming at lowering methane emissions undertaken by the industry.

The above-described part was be followed by a discussion moderated by the Chair of the Group of Experts on CMM, Mr. Raymond Pilcher, which addressed the following subjects: directional drilling, utilisation of the recovered gas, availability of data on methane emissions and their use, the problem of ventilation air methane (VAM) and availability of technologies to capture and use it, possibility of CO2 sequestration in coalbeds, options for investments in R&D of methane mitigation technologies and in their implementation, and financial viability of methane mitigation projects.

Please visit also the main page of the Methane Mondays series.