Updated: Wed Mar 10 14:44:39 CET 2004
CES/AC.49/2003 /...
Updated: Wed Oct 29 15:56:33 CET 2003
Working Paper No. /...
Document Title | ENG | FRE | RUS | |
1 | Provisional Agenda | 14 Jul.03 |
15 Aug.03 |
15 Aug.03 |
1/REV.1 | Provisional Agenda | 2 Dec.03 |
2 | Report | 25 Feb.04 |
10 Mar.04 |
10 Mar.04 |
3 | Sampling and quality adjustment (Supporting paper, Kyrgyzstan) Included in Session 7 of the Provisional Agenda | 10 Nov.03 |
10 Nov.03 |
26 Aug.03 |
4 | Analysis on Item Sampling using Scanner Data (Invited paper, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts & Telecommunications, Japan) | 7 Oct.03 |
20 Nov.03 |
20 Nov.03 |
5 | Indices des prix à la consommation pour différents groupes de la population (Supporting paper, Office Federal de la Statistique Suisse) Included in Session 5 of the Provisional Agenda | 28 Nov.03 |
8 Oct.03 |
28 Nov.03 |
6 | Apparel Hedonic Regression Models: Improvements after more than a Decade of use in the U.S. Consumer Price Index (Invited paper, Bureau of Labor Statistics United States) | 7 Oct.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
7 | Data Quality (Supporting paper, Statistics Azerbaijan) Included in Session 6 of the Provisional Agenda | 20 Nov.03 |
20 Nov.03 |
8 Oct.03 |
8 | Swedish Re-Considerations of User-Cost Approaches to Owner Occupied Housing (Invited paper, Statistics Sweden) | 7 Oct.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
9 | Experimental Price Indices for Financial Services (Invited paper, Australian Bureau of Statistics) | 7 Oct.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
10 | System of Regional Consumer Price Indices Compilation in Poland (Invited paper, Central Statistical Office of Poland) | 7 Oct.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
24 Nov.03 |
11 | Report of the 7th Meeting of the Ottawa Group, Session 4 (Paris, 25-27 May 2003) (Invited paper, INSEE France) | 31 Oct.03 |
17 Nov.03 |
17 Nov.03 |
12 | Compilation Method and Quality Control of CPI in China (Supporting paper, National Bureau of Statistics of China) Included in Session 6 of the Provisional Agenda | 7 Oct.03 |
13 | Weight Updates and Revisions in the CPI (Invited paper, IMF) | 7 Oct.03 |
14 | Core Inflation, Seasonal Adjustment & Measures of the Underlying Trend (Invited paper, Office National of Statistics, United Kingdom) | 10 Oct.03 |
15 | Some problems in accounting for seasonality in constructing CPI in the sian Federation (Supporting paper, State Committee of the sian Federation on Statistics) Included in Session 8 of the Provisional Agenda | 20 Oct.03 |
16 | Family of indices for different purposes (Invited paper, Italy) | 28 Nov.03 |
17 | A harmonized price index for owner occupied housing - experiences from the Eurostat pilot study (Invited paper, Eurostat) | 26 Nov.03 |
18 | Updating the Canadian CPI expenditure weights: past experiences, current practices and future prospects (Invited paper, Statistics Canada) | 2 Dec.03 |
19 | Owner occupied housing: Market price approach to user cost (Invited paper, Statistics Iceland) | 28 Nov.03 |
20 | The treatment of seasonal products in a CPI (Invited paper, Statistics Israel) | 1 Dec.03 |