The Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) will hold its 18th session on 23 November 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Under the chairmanship of Azerbaijan, the SPECA participating States (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) will discuss the outcomes of 2023 SPECA Economic Forum and adopt its conclusions and recommendations.
Eighteenth session of the SPECA Governing Council
23 November 2023 10:00 - 15:00
Baku Azerbaijan
Information Notice
50462 _ Information notice for participants _ 384875 _ English _ 773 _ 397676 _ docx
50462 _ Information notice for participants _ 384875 _ Russian _ 864 _ 397677 _ docx
Documents and Decisions
50463 _ Decisions of the 18th session of the SPECA Governing Council _ 386121 _ English _ 773 _ 401727 _ pdf
50463 _ Decisions of the 18th session of the SPECA Governing Council _ 386121 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401729 _ pdf
50463 _ Concliusions and Recommendations from the 2023 SPECA Economic Forum _ 386584 _ English _ 773 _ 401734 _ pdf
50463 _ Concliusions and Recommendations from the 2023 SPECA Economic Forum _ 386584 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401735 _ pdf
50463 _ Progress reports on activities of the SPECA Thematic Working Groups _ 384991 _ English _ 773 _ 398068 _ pdf
50463 _ Progress reports on activities of the SPECA Thematic Working Groups _ 384991 _ Russian _ 864 _ 398069 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA Terms of Reference adopted at the 18th session of the Governing Counmcil _ 386585 _ English _ 773 _ 401736 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA Terms of Reference adopted at the 18th session of the Governing Counmcil _ 386585 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401737 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA work plan for 2024-2025 _ 384946 _ English _ 773 _ 401730 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA work plan for 2024-2025 _ 384946 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401731 _ pdf
50463 _ Annotated provisional Agenda (as of 17 November 2023) _ 384203 _ English _ 773 _ 399181 _ pdf
50463 _ Annotated provisional Agenda (as of 17 November 2023) _ 384203 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399182 _ pdf
50463 _ GA Resolution on SPECA (21 November 2023) _ 387574 _ English _ 773 _ 403988 _ pdf
50463 _ GA Resolution on SPECA (21 November 2023) _ 387574 _ Russian _ 864 _ 403989 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA digitalization Roadmap _ 387700 _ English _ 773 _ 414127 _ pdf
50463 _ SPECA digitalization Roadmap _ 387700 _ Russian _ 864 _ 411763 _ pdf