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Air Pollution Studies No19: POPs

… transport model DEFRA – Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (UK) DEHM-POP – Danish Eulerian Hemispheric … activities within the Antarctic region, but there are no publications available related to POPs research. The … pests and for combating disease vectors such as mosquitoes. PCBs have thermal properties and stability that make …

New amendment proposals

… unique within the country issuing it. However, there are no rules in the eTIR specifications which would ensure the … it cannot be used as identifier of the TIR operation. United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/TIB/2024/5 Economic and … office identifiers only at national level. This problem does not apply to countries, such as the member States of the …

Railway Reform in the ECE region

… opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, … 14 Russian Federation … of EU rules. 2 The expression “de-facto barriers to entry” does not refer to abuses of the incumbents, but to barriers … in the European Union, Biennial Report, 2015. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg …

Предложение по инвестиционному проекту в поддержку реализации плана. Г-н Джон Марко Чёрч, консультант ЕЭК ООН

… реализации плана. Г-н Джон Марко Чёрч, консультант ЕЭК ООН Russian ОПИСАНИЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ПО ИНВЕСТИЦИОННОМУ ПРОЕКТУ … on Integrated Water Resources Management in the Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek, 3rd February 2023 1 NPD INVESTMENT PROJECT … by the EU, implemented by UNECE • Disclaimer: this does not imply that the EU and UNECE have plans at the moment …

(GRSP) Proposal for the 01 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 136 (Electric vehicle L)

… English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/72 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/72 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/72 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 187th session … Part I of this Regulation does not cover high-voltage components and systems which are …

Forest Products Annual Market Review 2019-2020

… All rights reserved worldwide. The designations employed in publications of the United Nations Economic Commission for … rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by the UNECE or FAO of the … of empty buildings in urban centres, dampening new construction, as a result of the success of working from home? …

Reply to question 5: Annex 16: Decision RvS wind farm Duiven 28.09.2011 with NLVOW comments - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… Instantie Raad van State Datum uitspraak 28-09-2011 Datum publicatie 28-09-2011 Zaaknummer 201101445/1/H1 Formele … krachtens artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Wet op de Ruimtelijke Ordening (hierna: de WRO) en bouwvergunning … bij windturbinegeluid, op het standpunt gesteld dat geen toeslag voor dat geluid hoeft te worden toegepast. Don …

Information on activities to support the implementation of GHS (Sweden)

… the development of a legislation, standard or other instrument to implement GHS and to make it operational. 13 The … Swedish Chemicals Agency is funding a project (2020-2023) run by the University of Cape Town (UCT): “Capacity Building … four of the discussions in the Chemical discussion forum have focused on the implementation of GHS ( GHS Mapping …

(Secretariat) Consolidated list of amendments relevant for ADN adopted by the RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting and by the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) for entry into force on 1 January 2025

… ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/30 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/30 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/30 Economic and … of molten aluminium of UN No. 3257 which have been constructed and approved before 1 July 2025 in accordance with … under all conditions of carriage; and (d) The solution does not meet the criteria of any other class.” (Reference …

INF.9 - (CCNR) ADN Catalogue of questions 2021 - Chemicals (Track changes document)

… Nummer Quelle Richtige Antwort 331 01.0-01 Allgemeine Grundkenntnisse B Was ist das Verbrennen von Butan? A Ein … D Ein geologischer Vorgang. 331 01.0-02 Allgemeine Grundkenntnisse B Was kann mit dem Zustand eines Stoffes bei … verändert sich ebenfalls nicht. 331 01.0-03 Allgemeine Grundkenntnisse C Welcher der unten genannten Vorgänge ist …

(Belgium) - Corrections to Chapter 3.1 and Table C

… ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/58 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/58 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/58 Economic and … be deleted. 11. At this stage, the Belgian delegation does not propose an amendment related to paragraphs 8–10 of … liquid 3 F1 II 14; 29 *see 1267 PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL 3 F1 I 14; 29 *see 1267 PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL …

Proposed amendments to Resolution No. 21, Prevention of Pollution of Inland Waterways by Vessels

… resolutions and to provide its guidance to the secretariat. United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2023/18 Economic and … the discharge ban requires adaptation measures for infrastructure and cannot therefore be applied immediately, … accordance with article 8.02 (3) if the passenger vessel does not possess an on-board sewage treatment plant in …

Forest Products Annual Market Review 2020-2021

… All rights reserved worldwide. The designations employed in publications of the United Nations Economic Commission for … rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by UNECE or FAO of the … in their homes, including home offices, and the construction sector also performed strongly. Demand for wood …

Presentation on Identifying economic activities relating to climate change adapatation (Eurostat)

… relating to climate change adaptation UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change … resilience building, prevention and preparedness is crucial. Work on climate adaptation should continue to influence public and private investments, including on nature-based …


… Group of Experts on CMM & JT Mr. Li Hengzhong, GOWIN Construction of Coalbed Gas All Participants 13:00-14:30 Lunch … Take-aways from the Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum • Review of CMM Project Barriers and Introduction to the …

(FRAV) Guidelines for Regulatory Requirements and Verifiable Criteria for ADS Safety Validation

… speed limits, road designs (surface, geometry, infrastructure, etc.), weather conditions, and traffic densities. … is in an operational state under which it may be driven on public roads regardless of the operational state of the ADS. … stop” defines the behaviour competency. However, the rule doesn’t mention for how long the vehicle should be stopped, …

Amendments to the Police Regulations for the navigation of the Rhine and the Police Regulations for the navigation of the Mosel and recommendations concerning pilot projects which derogate from the Police Regulations for the navigation of the Rhine

… PDF 5.4 La copie du certificat d’agrément de type, les instructions du constructeur et la copie du recueil des paramètres des moteurs … Commissions and take them into account in future work. United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2024/11 Economic and …

(CCNR) - Compte rendu de la vingt-cinquième réunion du groupe de travail informel « Formation des experts »

… ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/20 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/20 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/20 Economic and … be amended as follows: “Which of the following is always true ...”. The question was therefore temporarily put on … did not consider it necessary to regulate possible interruptions to training courses in ADN. Interpretation of ADN …

Childcare, Women's Employment and Covid-19 Impacts: Moldova

… exchange of economic and social policies, measures and instruments with a gender perspective. UNITED NATIONS ENTITY FOR … that the decision-making mechanism is not transparent and does not involve all the stakeholders in the process of … field%20office%20moldova/attachments/publications/2020/ un%20woman%20en%20240820.pdf?la=en&vs=38 …


… of business statistics. The NACE code is determined for all units in the population and stored in the statistical … Hence the purpose of this paper is two-fold: 1) to construct a hierarchical classification model to predict NACE 1-5 … of precision and recall for the class ci. However if e does not belong to the class ci but it is predicted to be, …