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Decisions by subject

… Decision (Info on interlinkages with other Decisions) EN FR RU 2019/2 Review of compliance by Parties to the Protocol … Decision (Info on interlinkages with other Decisions) EN FR RU 2019/23 Amendment of annex VII to the 1999 Protocol to …

Documents and materials

… Conference  ECE/BATUMI.CONF/2016/1 (PDF and Word) ENG / ENG FRE / FRE RUS / RUS Organization of work at the Conference …

Lucerne Conference

… 1993. It brought together Ministers and senior officials from 45 European countries and from Canada, Israel, Japan and the United States, together …

Ongoing reviews

… 2022 and the the country review mission was conducted from 6 to 15 November 2023. The EPR Recommendations of the … in August 2022. The country review mission was conducted from 5 to 14 December 2022. The UNECE Expert Group on EPRs …

32nd session

… No. 1 -Workshop on strengthening security on inland freight routes - Programme - Note by the secretariat English … Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes English only Informal document No. 7  - Mobility as a …

Beijing +10

… related to Beijing + 10 process Document Title ENG FR RU REPORT PDF PDF PDF REPORT OF THE NGO FORUM PDF PDF PDF …

UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee discusses the global and regional dimensions of the transport of dangerous goods

… developments in this regulatory area, with presentations from competent authorities of UNECE Governments, the … in Western and Central Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, would be highly desirable. Further harmonization … UNECE Transport Division Phone: +41 (0)22 917 24 01 E-mail: Note to editors UNECE provides …

One UN solutions for Cities and Climate Change. The new climate agreement and the new urban agenda

… UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach speaks on the smart cities indicators and the … 21st Conference of Parties (COP-21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) The Side … to shape the 21st century urbanization model in a climate-friendly way, based on preliminary findings from the One UN …

Workshop on how UN/CEFACT deliverables can support the establishment and maintenance of single windows

… Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) is hosting an event on how African countries can implement Single Windows to reduce the … Single Window Conference (co-hosted by Alliance Africaine pour le commerce éléctronique and PORTNET) which will take place in Marrakesh from 5-7 September 2016. UNECE Recommendations and Standards …

Twenty-second session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

… and 12:30-14:30 (Central European Time). Document ENG FR RUS Revised annotated provisional agenda for the …

13th session

… Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes Thirteenth session (Geneva) Agenda … agenda for the thirteenth session (22-23 June 2017) English Français Русский Report ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/26 - Report of …

Kiev Conference

… "Environment for Europe"  took place in Kiev (Ukraine) from 21 to 23 May 2003. It concluded with the adoption of the  Ministerial Declaration   ( En ,  Fr ,  Ru ), which underlined the importance of the EfE …

FOREST EUROPE and UNECE/FAO launch interactive database on indicators of sustainable forest management in Europe

… . These data are presented alongside other statistical data from different parts of the UNECE work programme. The FOREST … definitions is available at, For further information, please contact: …


… for Europe" process, adopted in 2009 ( En / En , Fr / Fr , Ru / Ru ). The UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy …

10th session

… Change impacts and adaptation for transport networks and nodes Tenth session (Geneva) Agenda ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/19 - … Annotated provisional agenda for the tenth session English Français Русский Report ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/20 - Report of …

Draft guidance for national nodes of the Aarhus clearinghouse mechanism

… Read more ENG FRE RUS … Draft guidance for national nodes of the Aarhus clearinghouse mechanism …

Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs

… by virtue of Decision I/4 (ECE/MP.PRTR/2010/2/Add.1, EN , FR , RU ).   The report of the session is available here .   …


… datastore/fileadmin/DAM/timber/docs/jc-sem/sem-55/fr … … … … datastore/fileadmin/DAM/timber/docs/jc-sem/sem-55/fr


… datastore/fileadmin/DAM/timber/docs/jc-sem/sem-55/fr … … … … datastore/fileadmin/DAM/timber/docs/jc-sem/sem-55/fr