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Search results for environment policypublic participation christopher allen

Displaying Results 161 - 180 of 28924

Third (28th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management”

… Report of the meeting is available here. Venue European Environment Agency (EEA) Kongens Nytorv 6 DK - 1050 … systems on forest damage reporting in the UNECE region Mr. Christoph Fischer, Switzerland PDF     Mr. Stein Tomter, …


…       Air pollution impacts our health, environment and economy. Air pollutants come from multiple …

UNECE helps connect transport and environment objectives for sustainable mobility in Eastern and South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus

… the transport sector puts significant pressures on the environment and human health. These include contributing to … sustainable transport. They discussed opportunities and challenges currently hindering the development of sustainable … policy options and practical solutions to minimize the environmental impact of transport and reduce emissions, …

UNECE to help develop the management of information on the environment and water in Central Asia

… Central Asia is facing growing challenges in the field of environment and water resources. … and contribute to awareness raising and Central Asia's participation in international processes.   It was concluded …

Sharing the Gains of Globalization in the New Security Environment

… Sharing the Gains of Globalization in the New Security Environment - The Challenges to Trade Facilitation [ Summary of the Debate at …

Going beyond GDP: accounting for natural capital and the interactions between the economy and the environment

… but actually depletes the wealth of any given country. Even environmental pollution may increase GDP through the income …

First meeting of the Drafting Group on Public Participation under the Protocol of Water and Health

… Health was held back to back with the joint event "Public participation in environmental decision making: focus on water and health".   …

Astana Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”

… The Side event " Protocol on Water and Health: Where Water, Environment and Health Meet " will take place on the 22 … click here . Read more   … Astana Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” …


… The UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters was adopted on 25th June 1998 in the …


… [1]  – have been developed within UNECE on air pollution, environmental impact assessment, industrial accidents, … transboundary waters, water and health, and public participation. These treaties, which are important elements …

UN Environment Assembly highlights rising global role of UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements to address triple planetary crisis   

… no country can act alone. Like nature itself, these challenges know no borders, which makes international … them.   With this recognition, the role of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) – including those negotiated … that, the 1998 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in …

Informal consultation on "A Code of good practice on public participation, access to information and transparency in Internet governance"

… and in a workshop during the Hyderabad IGF, with platform participation from ISOC, ICANN and the NRO. The next phase … the project has identified a set of *principles* and *challenges* that will form the basis of the 13 May 2009 … Agenda ENG “Towards a code of good practice on public participation in Internet governance - Building on the …

New Environmental Performance Review of Belarus finds progress on air, water and biodiversity and calls for rehabilitation of industrial waste sites and improved conditions for public participation

… nuclear power plant and improved conditions for public participation are some of the most pressing environmental sustainability issues in Belarus. These are … policies and legislation. Belarus still faces a number of challenges. Along with notable growth in industrial production …

Guide to Public Participation under the Protocol on Water and Health

… water and health. Access to information and public participation are essential for building public awareness of … in the fairest possible way.     The Guide to Public Participation offers explanations of legal obligations with …

Guide to Public Participation under the Protocol on Water and Health

… water and health. Access to information and public participation are essential for building public awareness of … in the fairest possible way.     The Guide to Public Participation offers explanations of legal obligations with …

Making participation meaningful: bringing governments and civil society together (online workshop)

… and discussed what needs to be done to ensure that participation is meaningful. The workshop provided examples … Canada, Germany, Italy, Republic of Moldova and Slovenia. Participants also discussed barriers that impede innovative … researchers and civil society organisations and UN agencies participated, was  co-organized by BAGSO, AGE Platform …

Ministers to gather in Nicosia for Ninth "Environment for Europe” Conference

… How to step up environmental protection, reduce resource use, cut pollution … can deliver. Most of the world’s most pressing challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, air …

36th Session Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management

… Forests and Sustainable Development Goals - Second Workshop Christoph Dürr, International Forestry Policy Adviser, Federal Office for the Environment, Forest Division - Switzerland PDF 4 Follow-up …

Public participation

… Public participation Russian Ежи Ендрошка Участие общественности 1 … изложением: – причин – соображений Ежи Ендрошка 26 … Public participation

Environment Statistics and SDGs - National training workshop Kazakhstan

…             United Nations Framework for the development of environment statistics (FDES)     PDF PDF   Introduction into the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA 2012)     PDF PDF   … Waste-related information needs, international concepts, challenges and guidance on waste statistics     PDF PDF … …