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Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee makes clear that the COVID-19 pandemic cannot justify any restriction of the public’s rights to information, participation and justice in environmental matters

… Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) adopted a statement on the application of the Aarhus Convention both during the COVID-19 … development. Its cross-cutting rights are thus fundamental for the attainment of the 2030 Agenda and its …

Twentieth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention

… the meeting featured a thematic session on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in … an update on stakeholder engagement in the United Nations Environment Assembly and High-level Political Forum on … is available on the following webpage: … Twentieth meeting of the Working …

Nineteenth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention

… the meeting featured a thematic session on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in … considered stakeholders engagement in the United Nations Environment Programme processes. Other issues for discussion … is available on the following webpage: Find out more about the outcomes of …

Regional Meeting on Dam Safety Cooperation in Central Asia (11-12 November 2014, Bishkek)

… Documents (Dam safety meeting, Bishkek, Nov 2014) Document title ENG … Agency for Water Resources in Emergencies, Azerbaijan   PDF Dams on stamps Mr. Yuri Steklov, Expert   PDF   … Regional …

UNECE helps to improve dam safety in Central Asia

… in the news from the United States on the Oroville dam and its damaged spillway, the safety of dams is a major … with responsibilities involving dam safety, including support for the establishment of an international training … please contact: Mr. Bo Libert UNECE Regional Adviser on Environment Phone: +41 (0)22 917 2396 E-mail:  …

Dam Safety in Central Asia: Capacity Building and regional cooperation

… Result of the first phase of the UNECE Dam Safety project The publication provides an overview and … with regard to the safety of hydraulic structures such as dams. In addition to a list of all major dams in the region, …

UNECE welcomes the opening for signature of the Escazú Agreement on environmental rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

… Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean … binding provisions on the protection of human rights in environmental matters. UNECE sends its greetings to ECLAC … every context. In that regard, the UNECE region receives support pursuant to the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on …

References for Forest Sector Outlook Study 2020-2040

… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(42), pp. 11770–11775. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1607171113. Adámek, M. et … J. (2014) ‘Long-term dynamics of household size and their environmental implications’, Population and Environment, … Dobor, L. et al. (2020) ‘Is salvage logging effectively dampening bark beetle outbreaks and preserving forest carbon …

UNECE supports strengthening of dam safety in Central Asia

… on 11-12 November to participate in a regional meeting on dam safety. The meeting was organised by UNECE as part of … on the project’s work plan for 2015. This will include support to develop national legislation and institutions in … continue. The regional meeting was organised as part of the Environment and Security Initiative ( ENVSEC ). The  UNECE …

Albania joins the Aarhus Convention’s amendment on genetically modified organisms

… Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) , raising the … number of the Parties to the amendment to 32. This step supports the country’s efforts to promote inclusive and … Diversity   and the respective recommendations of 2018 Environmental Performance Review . Such important decision …

UNECE works to improve dam safety in Central Asia

… the Russian Federation met to discuss issues related to dam safety in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, as part … safety of dams in Central Asia. Rostekhnadzor, the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of … of cooperation between the countries, including with the support of UNECE. A field trip to the Saint Petersburg Flood …

Two publications in one: Your Toolkit for Effective Public Participation in Environmental Decision-making and in Strategic Environmental Assessment

… people to participate in decisions that can affect their environment and health is of key importance to UNECE. To … Effective Public Participation in Decision-making in Environmental Matters prepared under the Aarhus Convention … can be accessed at: The Good Practice …

Rapid response mechanism to protect environmental defenders established under the Aarhus Convention

… a rapid response mechanism for the protection of environmental defenders was adopted by the Meeting of the … agreed to establish a mechanism in the form of a Special Rapporteur on environmental defenders under the Aarhus … groups who protest against the construction of a dangerous dam or individuals who speak out against harmful …


… EVAL_ENV_FinalPR_DamSafety_31Dec2024 Evaluation of the Project Capacity … Date of implementation/comments 1 UNECE to continue supporting national and regional capacities on hydraulic and …

Special Rapporteur cites UNECE Aarhus Convention as a “leading example” in implementing human rights obligations relating to the environment

… A human rights perspective on environmental protection not only promotes human dignity, … Ensuring that those most affected by development and environmental policies are able to obtain information, … findings of the Implementation Report that the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John Knox, …

Outcome of the 27th meeting of the AARHUS Convention’s COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE

… to decision-making on the long-term exploitation of copper and molybdenum deposits in Teghut, in the Lori region ( … in a case before the court)  to organizations in environmental cases. The Party concerned pointed to the …

Documents and publications of the second project phase

… 16 June 2008, report   PDF PDF National meeting for dam safety cooperation in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 14 November …

E190: Capacity-building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia, phase 3

…   EXCOM approval Planning phase Implementation phase Final Reporting … Progress Reports Annual funds utilization reports ENVSEC Annual Report 2012 ENVSEC Annual Report 2013 Annual … workshop and a roundtable in Turkmenistan   Roundtable on Dam Safety (Astana, Kazakhstan, 17 September 2014)   EA 2: …

Regional Meeting on Cooperation on Dam Safety in Central Asia (3-4 December 2015, Almaty)

… PDF PDF Information on implementation of the project “Dam Safety in Central Asia: Capacity Building and Regional …

Malta: 35th Party to the UNECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

… Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). UNECE welcomes … for reducing or even eliminating the most potentially damaging releases. Therefore, an important objective of the … pillar on access to information. Moreover, the Protocol supports fact-based decision-making on chemicals. It is …