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Cette brochure contient les principales données sur le secteur des transports d'un grand nombre de pays membres de la CEE. Il compile, pour chaque pays de la longueur des autoroutes et des routes ainsi que les lignes ferroviaires et des voies navigables. Il contient également des données sur le parc de véhicules et du matériel roulant, le volume de trafic par les accidents de mode et de la
ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7Sales No. F.20.VIII.1ISBN 978-92-1-139173-2e-ISBN 978-92-1-004504-9Languages: E, FComment se procurer cette publication?Cette publication est également disponible gratuitement en ligne (
The brochure on International Driving Permit Categories recommends reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence Directive (2006/126/EC of 20 December
The brochure on International Driving Permit Categories recommends reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence Directive (2006/126/EC of 20
The brochure on International Driving Permit Categories recommends reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence Directive (2006/126/EC of 20
The brochure on International Driving Permit Categories recommends reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence Directive (2006/126/EC of 20 December
The brochure on International Driving Permit Categories recommends reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence Directive (2006/126/EC of 20 December 2006
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks : interactive reportDownload PDF (French, also available in English and Russian)This report has been
Последствия изменения климата для международных транспортных сетей и адаптация к нимDownload PDF (Russian, also available in English and French)This report has been prepared to
Contents: Recommendations to avoid introduction of radiation contaminated material into the recycling stream Prepared by: UNECE, EC, IAEA (2002)Report - Russian
Report on the Application of the UNECE Recommendations on Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap MetalPDF (English only)
Report on the Application of the UNECE Recommendations on Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap MetalPDF (English only)
Contents: Proceedings of the UNECE Group of Experts on the Monitoring of Radioactive Scrap Metal (Geneva, 12-14 June 2006) Prepared by: UNECE (2006) Russian
Contents: Proceedings of the UNECE Group of Experts on the Monitoring of Radioactive Scrap Metal (Geneva, 12-14 June 2006) Prepared by: UNECE (2006) French
Contents: Recommendations on Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap Metal agreed at the UNECE Group of Experts Meeting (Geneva, 12-14 June 2006) Prepared by: UNECE (2006
Contents:Recommendations on Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap Metal agreed at the UNECE Group of Experts Meeting (Geneva, 12-14 June 2006) Prepared by:UNECE (2006) French PDF
This publication (volume LIX) provides a series of transport statistics tables for the 56 member States of UNECE. The publication brings together statistical information on all the modes of transport covered by the Inland Transport Committee (road and road safety, rail, inland waterways and oil pipelines) and has been prepared by the Sustainable Transport Division of UNECE with the generous
Les présentes Recommandations tiennent compte des progrès techniques récents, de l'apparition de nouvelles matières dangereuses et nouveaux matériaux de construction, des besoins des systèmes modernes de transport et, en premier lieu, des impératifs de sécurité des personnes et des biens et de protection de l'environnement. Elles s'adressent aux gouvernements et aux organisations
Le SGH décrit la classification des produits chimiques par types de danger et propose des éléments de communication correspondant à ces dangers, y compris des étiquettes et des fiches de données de sécurité. Le SGH vise aussi à garantir que l’information sur les dangers physiques et la toxicité des produits chimiques soit disponible dans le but d’améliorer la protection de la santé humaine et