Bureau Informal Document No. 13 - (Secretariat) Meeting of Ministers of Transport of Countries in the Euro-Asian Region |
English | DOC (34 KB) | PDF (20 KB) |
Russian | DOC (36 KB) | PDF (122 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 12 - (Secretariat) Activities Related to Seaport Connections to the Hinterland |
English only | DOC (20 KB) | PDF (34 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 11 - (Secretariat) Planning for rhe Performance Evaluation of the 2008-2009 Programme of Work and the Strategic Framework for the Period 2010-2011 |
English only | DOC (95 KB) | PDF (64 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 8 - (Secretariat) Cooperation with the Conference of European Statisticians |
English only | DOC (40 KB) | PDF (25 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 6 - (Secretariat) Strengthening Euro-Asian Transport Links : Terms of Reference |
English only | DOC (39 KB) | PDF (19 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 5 - (Secretariat) Strengthening Euro-Asian Transport Links : Draft of a Joint Statement |
English and Russian only | DOC (67 KB) | PDF (248 KB) |
Bureau Informal Document No. 1 - (Secretariat) Transport and Security |
English | DOC (89 KB) | PDF (68 KB) |
ITC Informal Document No. 5 - (Secretariat) Agenda item 10(m) - Transport Division website statistics |
English only | DOC (110 KB) | PDF (88 KB) |
ITC Informal Document No. 4 - (Secretariat) Agenda item 8 - Assistance to countries with economies in transition - Operational activities, January - December 2007 |
English only | DOC (86 KB) | PDF (61 KB) |
ITC Informal Document No. 3 - (Secretariat) Meeting between EXCOM and Chair and vice-chairs of the Inland Transport Committee |
English only | DOC (176 KB) | PDF (317 KB) |
ITC Informal Document No. 2 - (Secretariat) Agenda item 6 - The changing structure of ITC sessions |
English only | DOC (45 KB) | PDF (21 KB) |
ITC Informal Document No .1 - (Secretariat) Agenda item 3 - EATL Project - PHASE II |
English only | DOC (63 KB) | PDF (46 KB) |