Monitoring the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD
By its terms of reference, the UNECE Steering Committee for ESD is charged with monitoring the progress of the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD. The UNECE Expert Group of Indicators developed a reporting mechanism, which aims at to enable countries of the region to learn from each other and advance in the area of ESD. The data are to inspire and to provide a mirror which can help countries and regions in moving forward.In 2018, the Steering Committee has carried out its fourth national implementation reporting cycle - a unique exercise to collect indepth information about the successes and challenges of educating for sustainable development. For the reporting tempalte and guidance please visit the website dedicated to the 2018 National implementation reporting.
The map highlights (in light blue) all those countries who, in 2007, 2010, 2015 and 2018 submitted a national implementation report. Please find below also links of all submitted national implementation reports by year.