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Informal document WP.24 No. 7 (2014) - (Mr. Bernd Buthe, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)) Intelligent transport systems and technological developments in intermodal
Informal document WP.24 No. 6 (2014) - (Mr. Bob Oudshoorn, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Unit maritime affairs and security, The Netherlands) New developments and best practices in intermodal transport and logistics: The Rotterdam Rules
Informal document WP.24 No. 5 (2014) - (Mr. Jens HÜGEL, Head, Sustainable Development (IRU)) Trends and performance in the intermodal transport and logistics industry: the TIR system as an example of a best practice  in Latin America

Informal document WP.24 No. 4 (2014) - (Mr. Ould Khou Sid’Ahmed)
Intermodal transport statistics

Informal document WP.24 No. 3 (2014) - (Mr Kayıhan Turan, UTIKAD Board Member)
New developments and best practices in intermodal transport and logistics
Informal document WP.24 No. 2 (2014) - (Mr. Tommy Pilarp, Senior Legal Counsel SIFA)
2014 Theme: Role of freight forwarders and logistics in intermodal transport chains
Informal document WP.24 No. 1 (2014) - (Secretariat) Activities of the UNECE Inland Transport Committeeand its subsidiary bodies
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