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Official statistics are an indispensable element of the information system of democratic societies, serving governments, economies and the public with data that can help them understand and make decisions about the economy, the population, society and the environment. An essential precondition for
‘Evidence-based decision-making’. It’s a term that rolls off the tongue almost without having to think about it, so commonplace has it become in the everyday jargon of policy-making and sustainable development circles.   But it’s something that does bear thinking about. What is a decision
Without a census, we cannot know such fundamental things as how many people live in a country, their ages or their income per capita. We cannot meaningfully predict future population and the need for schools, homes or public services. Censuses are essential for many of the indicators that enable
Strong legal backing is a key element for countries to ensure the production of impartial and reliable statistics according to the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. This will be especially relevant when developing statistics in the context of the 2030 Agenda for