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Circular economy transformation is a new area of cooperation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Government of Tajikistan. Under the overarching leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, UNECE together with the UN Tajikistan, and in…
All too often we take the air we breathe and share for granted. Only when we breathe very polluted air, when we can smell and see the pollution, do we realize that the air around us is a precious good that needs to be protected, much like the water we drink. On the International Day of Clean Air…
World trade continues to be severely affected by global supply chain disruptions, exacerbated by shocks including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. These challenges attest to the value of supporting and reinforcing trade facilitation measures to enhance resilience in all regions…
In the past few years, multiple shocks ranging from pandemics to conflicts have restricted the movement of goods and services, resulting in the number of countries facing significant disruptions in supply chains is increasing every year, affecting timely delivery of essential goods, such as food…
In June 2022, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Members agreed on the Ministerial Outcome Document, which marked for the first time the recognition of the importance of the multilateral trading system in addressing the triple global environmental crises of climate change and related natural…
The heads of national statistical offices participating in the Conference of European Statisticians have (CES) welcomed UNECE’s new Guidance for measuring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women and men. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt many aspects of daily life. The…
With blockchain opening up many avenues in international trade – from facilitating financing and customs procedures to tracking due diligence and sustainability compliance – countries and companies are looking for  successful practices to scale up their efforts to maximize the potential of this new…
July is a month to start enjoying the harvest of fruits and vegetables for many in Europe and the topic of reducing food loss and waste becomes very urgent. In Serbia, agriculture is an important sector of the economy, contributing around 6% of GDP. In March 2022 food production accounted for 10.4…
In view of the upcoming COP 27 of the UNFCCC, taking place in Egypt later this year, the growing threats on climate created by the textile and leather sectors call for our urgent action. If we continue down this path, we will fail by 50% to meet our 2030 emissions reduction targets, resulting in…
UNECE is supporting the Government of Moldova in its efforts to enhance its national innovation system to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development. During the online meeting on 16 June, the two sides agreed to develop a Roadmap for Innovation and Technology Transfer, which will feed into…
Transport continues to be a significant source of air pollution, especially in cities in the UNECE region. Air pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), harm human health and the environment. Although air pollution from transport has decreased in the last decade…
Have you ever wondered what causes air pollution? Are you interested in learning about the effects of air pollution on your health and the environment? Do you want to learn how we can jointly work on cleaner air? If you replied yes to any of these questions, then you are encouraged to take the e-…
Adapting to climate change and managing the risks of natural and technological hazards in transboundary basins has become critical, as the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events - such as floods, droughts, landslides or storms - are on the rise in the wake of the changing climate. Timely…
UNECE was engaged at the main global forum to assess and discuss progress in implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – the seventh session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) held in Bali and online, 25-27 May 2022, fully embracing its theme: “…
Recent disruptions of supply chains have exposed fragilities in the current trading system and brought to light the importance of resilience and transparency in global trade.   UNECE and other international organizations play a crucial role in supporting countries (including both the public and…
The textile industry is a key driver of Uzbekistan’s economy, reflected in the country’s rank as sixth largest cotton producer in the world. In 2021, the country accelerated the battle against its child and forced labor violations in cotton harvest according to a new International Labour…
As supply chains within the garment and footwear sector are becoming increasingly complex, the need for transparency is more relevant than ever. Consumers, investors and shareholders are pressing for transparent business activities as well as the prevention and mitigation of risks in value chains,…
With the review of the amended Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol) under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution well underway, experts further discussed the sufficiency and effectiveness of current measures at the 60th…
Global trade has been transformed repeatedly throughout history, driven by new business processes and new policies. The new advances in digitalization now promise further transformation by making it faster, more transparent, reducing risks of red tape and corruption. With the increase in global…
Over 60 participants worldwide joined the online roundtable organized by the UN Digital transformation group for Europe and Central Asia (DTG4ECA) in the framework of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region. Established in May 2020, DTG4ECA group, co-chaired by UNECE and…
Strengthening value chains between Africa and the European Union (EU) is a priority objective for sustainable growth and decent jobs across the two continents. Recent market imbalances and disparities, involving supply chain disruptions and lack of attention to the social and environmental impacts…
Today marks the holding of the first meeting of the Working Group on Tailings Safety and the Prevention of Accidental Water Pollution (IIWG) in Kazakhstan – the first comprehensive dialogue on these issues between all relevant stakeholders and national authorities in the country.  After being…
“Countries need to take concrete actions to prevent, prepare for and respond to industrial accidents and reduce the risks of related technological disasters. The UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents and the tools developed for its implementation provide a means to…
The global economy enters 2022 with new challenges. Almost two years into the Covid-19 pandemic the digitalization of transport and trade data flows is on top of the economic agenda. In response, UNECE organized its 4th workshop on trade facilitation, Single Window, and data sharing for the Western…
Trade facilitation is a key priority for Kyrgyzstan and its trading community for participation in the global and regional trading system. Under the project on “Strengthening the capacity of the Kyrgyzstan National Trade Facilitation Council to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement”, UNECE…