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Download Documents for 8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & 2024 Workshop on Statistics for SDGs

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
EM 2024_Call for contributions.pdf EM 2024_Call for contributions.pdf (application/pdf, 322.31 KB) English Call for contributions
EM_2024_Information note.pdf EM_2024_Information note.pdf (application/pdf, 179.54 KB) English Information note
WS_EM 2024_Provisional Agenda_13Oct.pdf WS_EM 2024_Provisional Agenda_13Oct.pdf (application/pdf, 172.23 KB) English Provisional programme
Meet_the_speakers_9Oct.pdf Meet_the_speakers_9Oct.pdf (application/pdf, 360.11 KB) English Get to know the speakers
EM 2024_Paper template.docx EM 2024_Paper template.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 31.59 KB) English Template for Papers
2024 Self-assessment Tool for Indicator Availability_rev1.xlsx 2024 Self-assessment Tool for Indicator Availability_rev1.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 156.24 KB) English 2024 Self-Assessment Tool for SDG Indicator Availability; Revision 1
Data Availability - Addendum to the Road Map_draft_ENG.pdf Data Availability - Addendum to the Road Map_draft_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 718.64 KB) English CES Road Map on Statistics for SDGs Addendum to the 2nd edition: Guidance on Assessing and Conceptualizing SDG Indicator Availability (Draft)
Data Availability - Addendum to the Road Map_draft_RUS_unofficial.pdf Data Availability - Addendum to the Road Map_draft_RUS_unofficial.pdf (application/pdf, 906.13 KB) Russian CES Road Map on Statistics for SDGs Addendum to the 2nd edition: Guidance on Assessing and Conceptualizing SDG Indicator Availability (Draft)
Poland - Pilot testing of the 2024 Self-Assessment Tool for Indicator Availability.pdf Poland - Pilot testing of the 2024 Self-Assessment Tool for Indicator Availability.pdf (application/pdf, 277.95 KB) English Poland: Analysis of global indicator availability on the national level – pilot testing of the 2024 Self-Assessment Tool for Indicator Availability
WP.1 Netherlands_Blom.pdf WP.1 Netherlands_Blom.pdf (application/pdf, 209.53 KB) English Netherlands - Filling data gaps by integrating Natural capital accounts in the SDGs
WP.2 Mexico_Rodriguez.pdf WP.2 Mexico_Rodriguez.pdf (application/pdf, 488.32 KB) English Mexico - Approach to measuring SDG indicators in Mexico
WP.3 Georgia_Tserediani.pdf WP.3 Georgia_Tserediani.pdf (application/pdf, 245.19 KB) English Georgia - SDG indicator availability
WP.7 Moldova_Racu.pdf WP.7 Moldova_Racu.pdf (application/pdf, 192.77 KB) English Republic of Moldova - Setting up a National Reporting Platform
WS_1_1_ESCAP.pptx WS_1_1_ESCAP.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.19 MB) English ESCAP - Understanding SDG data gaps in Asia-Pacific: The gaps and the choices
WS_1_2_CIS-Stat_ENG_0.pptx WS_1_2_CIS-Stat_ENG_0.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 8.41 MB) English CIS-Stat - Statistics for SDGs in the CIS region: Data availability and dissemination, alternative sources
WS_1_2_CIS-Stat_RU.pptx WS_1_2_CIS-Stat_RU.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 8.43 MB) Russian CIS-Stat - Statistics for SDGs in the CIS region: Data availability and dissemination, alternative sources
WS_1_3_Mexico.pptx WS_1_3_Mexico.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 4.95 MB) English Mexico - Approach to measuring the SDG indicator in Mexico
WS_1_4_Netherlands.pptx WS_1_4_Netherlands.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.65 MB) English Netherlands - Filling data gaps by integrating Natural capital accounts in the SDGs
WS_1_5_Poland_forupload.pptx WS_1_5_Poland_forupload.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 510.01 KB) English Poland - Self-assessment tool for SDG indicator availability. A case study from Poland
WP.4 Mexico_Blancas.pdf WP.4 Mexico_Blancas.pdf (application/pdf, 749.47 KB) English Mexico - Specialized Technical Committee of the SDG Information System
WP.5_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_KorajcevicS.pdf WP.5_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_KorajcevicS.pdf (application/pdf, 255.7 KB) English Bosnia and Herzegovina - Providing environmental statistics for SDGs. E-Waste Generated
WP.6 Spain_Revilla_Salcedo_Saura.pdf WP.6 Spain_Revilla_Salcedo_Saura.pdf (application/pdf, 298.79 KB) English Spain - SDGs Statistics at the 2030 Agenda Midpoint: lessons learned from the Spanish experience
WS_2_0_Poland.pptx WS_2_0_Poland.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 90.07 KB) English Poland - Session introduction
WS_2_1_ESCAP.pptx WS_2_1_ESCAP.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 971.51 KB) English ESCAP - Implementing SDG Indicators: Lessons from Regional Commissions
WS_2_2_Iceland.pptx WS_2_2_Iceland.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 4.14 MB) English Iceland - The Geosocietal View Project: Enhancing collaboration for sustainable development
WS_2_3_Spain.pptx WS_2_3_Spain.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 143.48 KB) English Spain - SDG statistics at the 2030 Agenda midpoint: Lessons learned from the Spanish experience
WS_2_4_Belarus_EN.pptx WS_2_4_Belarus_EN.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 4.57 MB) English Belarus - Coordinating role of Belstat in managing data flows as a key factor in an efficient monitoring system for the Sustainable Development Goals
WS_2_4_Belarus_RU.pptx WS_2_4_Belarus_RU.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 4.34 MB) Russian Belarus - Coordinating role of Belstat in managing data flows as a key factor in an efficient monitoring system for the Sustainable Development Goals
WS_2_5_Geneva_Graduate_Institute.pptx WS_2_5_Geneva_Graduate_Institute.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.45 MB) English Geneva Graduate Institute - Enhancing monitoring of racial and ethnic discrimination: A methodological shift for SDG Indicator 16.b.1
WS_2_6_Eurostat.pptx WS_2_6_Eurostat.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 173.45 KB) English Eurostat - A trusted SDG monitoring framework
WS_2_7_FAO.pptx WS_2_7_FAO.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 89.4 KB) English FAO - Lessons learned from providing statistics for the SDGs: Perspective of a custodian agency
WS_2_8_Türkiye.pptx WS_2_8_Türkiye.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 78.81 KB) English Türkiye - Navigating the plateau: TurkStat's journey in advancing SDG indicator production and dissemination
WS_2_9_Mexico.pptx WS_2_9_Mexico.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.87 MB) English Mexico - Specialized technical committee of the SDG information system
EM_1_1_Steering Group on Statistics for SDGs.pptx EM_1_1_Steering Group on Statistics for SDGs.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 790.06 KB) English Updates from the CES Steering Group on Statistics for SDGs
EM_1_2_Task Team on Communication.pptx EM_1_2_Task Team on Communication.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 5.51 MB) English Update on the work of the Task Team on Communications
EM_1_3_TTLL.pptx EM_1_3_TTLL.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 135.53 KB) English Updates from the Task Team on Lessons Learned
EM_1_4_HLG-PCCB.pptx EM_1_4_HLG-PCCB.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 15.14 MB) English Updates from the HLG-PCCB
EM_1_5_IAEG.pptx EM_1_5_IAEG.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.58 MB) English Updates from the IAEG-SDGs and the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on Geospatial Information
UNECE Housing and Land Management_Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region.pdf UNECE Housing and Land Management_Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region.pdf (application/pdf, 1.85 MB) English UNECE Housing and Land Management - Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing
UNECE Housing and Land Management_Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region_RU.pdf UNECE Housing and Land Management_Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 2.06 MB) Russian UNECE Housing and Land Management - Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing
EM_2_1_UNECE.pptx EM_2_1_UNECE.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.54 MB) English UNECE work on measuring sustainable development
EM_2_A_1_Netherlands.pptx EM_2_A_1_Netherlands.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.94 MB) English Netherlands - Monitoring sustainable and inclusive well-being in the Netherlands
EM_2_A_2_ITU.pptx EM_2_A_2_ITU.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.84 MB) English ITU - What is Universal and Meaningful Connectivity and how to measure it
EM_2_B_0_EEA.pptx EM_2_B_0_EEA.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 7.85 MB) English EEA - Subsession Introduction - Beyond SDGs – The future of monitoring sustainable development
EM_2_B_1_DeMontfortUniversity.pptx EM_2_B_1_DeMontfortUniversity.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 11.14 MB) English De Montfort University - Supporting SDG reporting on land-related indicators through complementary data sources: Tracking Progress on perceived tenure security in UNECE countries
EM_2_B_2_BelgradeOpenSchool_AnaAndVladeDivacFoundation_CenterForAdvancedEconomicStudies.pptx EM_2_B_2_BelgradeOpenSchool_AnaAndVladeDivacFoundation_CenterForAdvancedEconomicStudies.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 764.5 KB) English SDGs for ALL - Many Challenges, little time: Is Serbia set on its development path?
EM_2_B_3_FAO_new.pptx EM_2_B_3_FAO_new.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.18 MB) English FAO - What the lessons learned from the SDG indicator framework hold for post-2030 reporting
WP.8 Kazakhstan_Dossanova_Abrayeva_ENG.pdf WP.8 Kazakhstan_Dossanova_Abrayeva_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 230.14 KB) English Kazakhstan - SDG indicators as a tool for improving interagency collaboration at the national level
WP.8 Kazakhstan_Dossanova_Abrayeva_RUS.pdf WP.8 Kazakhstan_Dossanova_Abrayeva_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 248.97 KB) Russian Kazakhstan - SDG indicators as a tool for improving interagency collaboration at the national level
EM_3_1_Bulgaria.pptx EM_3_1_Bulgaria.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 4.44 MB) English Bulgaria - Monitorstat - Technological tool for better strategic planning and management of the implementation of national strategic documents
EM_3_2_Hungary.pptx EM_3_2_Hungary.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.74 MB) English Hungary - The role of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in measuring the Sustainable Development Goals
EM_3_3_Netherlands.pptx EM_3_3_Netherlands.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 3.85 MB) English Netherlands - Connecting with policy makers
EM_3_4_Montenegro.pptx EM_3_4_Montenegro.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 3.47 MB) English Montenegro - Managing relations with policy makers
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