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Regional Forum 2019



Please find here the preliminary programme in English, Russian  and French.



H.E. Ogerta Manastirliu

Chair of the Regional Forum

Amina J. Mohammed

UN Deputy Secretary-General

Olga Algayerova 

Executive Secretary UNECE 


Michael Møller

Director-General UNOG 


Liu Zhenmin

Under-Secretary-General UN DESA 

Mirjana Spoljaric Egger

Chair of the Regional UNSDG Team

Eeva Furman

Director Environmental Policy Centre, SYKE

Nadia Isler

Director SDG Lab UNOG




Two focus events on cutting-edge topics took place in the plenary room:

The peer learning round tables focused on the implementation of the following five SDGs under in-depth review at the 2019 High-level Political Forum.

  First set of round tables                          (22 March, 10:00-11:25) Second set of round tables                      (22 March, 11:35-13:00)
Learning without Limits: Lifelong Learning and Inclusive Education The Power of Knowledge for Change: Education and Learning as Drivers of Sustainable Development 
The Growth We Want: Solutions for Sustained, Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth The Future of Work: Productive Employment and Decent Work for All
Bridging the Gap: Achieving Greater Income and Economic Equality Towards a World of Equal Opportunity:  Tackling inequality caused by exclusion and discrimination
Acting for Climate: Stepping Up Climate Change Policies, Action and Awareness in the Region Coping with Climate Change: Strengthening Resilience and Adaptation
Strengthening Institutions for Change: Fostering Effective and Inclusive Governance for Sustainable Development  Empowering People to Protect the Planet:  The Environmental Dimension of SDG 16

Governments and other stakeholders were asked to provide case studies from their national experience in implementing the five SDGs, which framed the discussions at peer learning round tables. The compilation of all case studies is available here.



Please find here the report of the meeting (EN, FR, RU) including the Chair’s summary of the discussions. In its final version, the report will become part of the official documentation of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (9-18 July 2019, New York).

SDG Report

How are we progressing on the SDGs? The SDG Snapshot Report provides on overview of some aspects of SDG performance in the UNECE region.


Who attended the Regional Forum 2019? Please have a look at the list of participants.

All the essentials on logistics are summed up in our guide for participants.

Programme PDF    
Provisional Agenda PDF PDF PDF
Speaker Statement
Chair of the Regional Forum: H.E. Ms. Ogerta Manastirliu Opening Statement
UN Deputy Secretary-General: Amina J. Mohammed Special Address
UNECE Executive Secretary: Olga Algayerova Opening Statement
Chair of the Regional UNSDG Team for Europe and Central Asia: Mirjana Spoljaric Egger Opening Statement
Director of the Environmental Policy Centre at the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE: Eeva Furman Keynote Address
Director-General of the UN Office at Geneva: Michael Møller Closing Statement
UNECE Executive Secretary: Olga Algayerova Closing Statement


Member State Statement
Armenia Statement High-level Policy Segment
Belarus Statement High-level Dialogue on Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) (Russian)
Germany Statement High-level Policy Segment
Israel Statement High-level Policy Segment
Switzerland Statement High-level Policy Segment


Organization Statement
Civil Society Organizations Opening statement
Civil Society Organizations Closing statement
Youth representative (European Youth Forum) Reporting back
Council of Europe Statement
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Statement
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Statement
News & Photos

Press Releases

UNECE Regional Forum 2019: shifting from intentions to action (April 2019)

UNECE Regional Forum Shares Country Experiences in SDG Implementation (IISD Knowledge Hub, April 2019)


Regional Forum: Opening Regional Forum: High-level Policy Segment Regional Forum: Focus Event 1 and Focus Event 2 Regional Forum: Connecting the Dots Regional Forum: Closing Regional Forum: Side Events



Please find here a note on the Evaluation Survey of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE Region for 2019.

Thursday, 21 March 2019, 13:00-14:30

Friday, 22 March 2019, 8:30-9:45am

Friday, 22 March 2019, 13:15-14:30

21-22 March 2019

Civil Society

Civil Society Pre-Meeting (20 March 2019, Palais des Nations)   

The Regional Forum was preceded by a civil society pre-meeting; please find the agenda here. Further information is available online.


Youth Pre-Meeting (21 March 2019, International Conference Centre Geneva)

For the first time, a pre-meeting for and by young people was held ahead of the Regional Forum. Please find further information in the agenda.


Regional Consultation on the Plan of Action for Integrating Volunteerism into the 2030 Agenda (21 March 2019, International Conference Centre Geneva)

Led by UN Volunteers (UNV), this consultation engaged member states, UN bodies and other stakeholders in highlighting regional perspectives on volunteerism in the region. Key findings from the Regional Synthesis Report on Volunteerism were presented and discussed with participants during the event.

Pre-Meeting for VNR countries

Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 2019 VNR countries (20 March 2019, Palais des Nations)

UN DESA organized a Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 12 countries of the UNECE region undertaking Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) in 2019. The meeting took place on 20 March 2019 at the Palais des Nations; participation upon invitation by UN DESA.

Public procurement

Back-to-back Meeting

Pan-European Regional Workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement (19-20th of March 2019, Palais des Nations)

Building on existing national activities, this first regional workshop facilitated the exchange of good practices and lessons learned in developing and implementing Sustainable Public Procurement policies and practices. Please find the further information here.



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