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- English
The sixth compilation of the SDG 7 Policy Briefs, titled "Ensuring Universal Energy Access and Advancing Just, Inclusive and Equitable Energy Transitions," prepared by the SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group (SDG7 TAG),  in support of the review of the SDGs at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum 2023.
- English
This UN-Energy Policy Brief was prepared in support of the SDG7 review at the High-level Political Forum 2023 in line with the UN-Energy Plan of Action Towards 2025. The Plan outlines UN-Energy’s contributions towards the implementation of the Global Action Plan for Accelerated SDG 7 Action presented by the UN Secretary-General as an outcome of the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy in 2021. The
- English
ADVANCED VERSION The transition of the global energy system is leading society towards an innovative future, offering an opportunity to transcend the current global economy in favour of a more sustainable one. Equal gender participation in this endeavour can help society leap to a future of technological advancement in the energy sector. This report analyzes key issues,
- Pусский
Эта публикация требует решительных и смелых действий со стороны правительства, частного сектора и регулирующих органов. Для разработки технологий потребуется новая нормативно-правовая база в поддержку немедленной коммерциализации. Политические рамки должны также включать в себя юридически связывающие обязательства в отношении расширения международной передачи технологий, согласованных стандартов
- English
This publication calls for ambitious and bold action from governments, the private sector and regulators. Development of technologies will require new regulatory frameworks to support immediate commercialization. Policy frameworks should also incorporate legally binding commitments for increased international technology transfer, harmonized standards, and definitions for 'green' hydrogen, energy